Chapter Thirteen

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Wesley's POV

I stepped out of the police station feeling like I'd been through the emotional dryer. Frankie handed me a tissue and I thanked him before blowing my nose. "My mom's going to be really mad at me for this. The cops are going to turn up at her door and my step-father will flip out and say a bunch of nasty stuff about her little homo bastard son, his favorite words to use when he's mad at me, and then she'll ring me to scream at me for getting his son into trouble." I put the tissue in a trash can outside the station and turned back to Frankie. "Can I stay withyou at your place tonight? I don't want to be on my own till they catch him."

Frankie wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. "Of course you can stay with me. We'll go back to your room and pick up everything you need for a few days. You can stay until you're ready to go home."

"Thanks Frankie." I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Someone brushed past me pushing me against him and I looked up at a very angry looking cop in full uniform. His deep blue eyes were burning into Frankie and I gulped nervously.

"Officer Romero, still haven't been promoted?" Frankie sneered. I'd never seen Frankie look at anyone like he was looking at the officer before us. Hatred seemed to ooze from his pores. "Where's your partner? I thought you were joined at the hip."

"Frankie, still jealous? Sorrentino's waiting for me inside." He shot Frankie a malicious grin and walked inside the police station. Frankie was silent for a long time before he turned back to me with a sad smile and led me down the block to where he'd parked his car.

"Who was that?" I finally asked when we were in the car and pulling away from the curb.

"Officer Asshole?" He chuckled. "He's just a cop with a chip on his shoulder and a stick up his ass. We've run across each other on occasion but I haven't seen him in quite some time. I'd hoped to never have to see him again but in my line of work I occasionally have to deal with cops." 

"What's his problem?"

Frankie stared out the windscreen for a few moments before replying, "Nothing important."

I frowned, Frankie knew he just didn't want to talk about it and I wasn't going to push him so I dropped the subject. The rest of the ride to campus was silent, the only sound was the music drifting from the stereo speakers.

Jake's POV

I didn't know how it was possible to be so tired from doing nothing but I was exhausted. I'd been in this hospital bed for the best part of a week and I only ventured out of it to use the bathroom when needed and brush my teeth. Showers weren't an easy task with only one useful arm and wrapped ribs so I had to rely on the nurses and my friends to help me out. I didn't want the first time Gabe saw me naked to be while I was covered in bruises and feeling like I'd been hit by a Mack truck. He was very sweet though coming by every day and staying for hours just talking to me about anything I wanted. I'd learned a lot more about his job and the fact that he was now in charge of buying new music for the station. I hadn't been able to listen to his show for days now and the only consolation was the fact that I got to hear that dreamy voice in person.

My parents were staying at a motel near the hospital but they were going back home in the next few days. They were very interested in learning all about Gabe and my father hadn't stopped asking me if I was sure I wanted to be with an older man. I didn't see what the problem was, Gabe's age was just a number and that didn't matter to me so I couldn't understand why it mattered to my dad. Gabe was just Gabe to me. A hot, intelligent man who really knew how to blow my socks off with just one kiss. Of course I couldn't tell that to my parents though.

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