"Big boy's toy, eh?"

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Damn that man. The things he does to me. The way he makes my heart race. Sometimes I hate the fact that he owns me. Because, if he didn't then I'd have the right to chase and woo him like any other woman. Not that he makes himself available, if you know what I mean. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I'm M Shadows' wife and we love each other to pieces.

Hah. Okay, so I love Matt to pieces, but I'd never dare admit it. He'd probably level me with a hard look then walk away. He's like that, y'know? By no means is he arrogant or egotistical. He cares about me. It isn't love. But, he does care about me.

I hear you asking 'if he cares about you so much, why doesn't he just let you go?' Well, friends...I don't really want that. I want to stay with him until my time expires. He's better than any other man I've ever known. Better than any other master.

I know it sounds so contrived, so...clichéd...but he completes me in ways no other man ever has. I have to tell you: That first night was surreal to me. I spent about an hour just observing him with his friends, the other band members. A real crazy bunch of men but every one of them as sweet as the next. Matt seriously loves on all of them, for real.

I would too, if I was allowed. And NO! I don't mean sexually...just you know as friends. They like me, apparently. So Matt tells me. But then in the same breath he tells me to be careful around them and watches me a like a damned hawk through those shades of his.

That first night though. I still remember it clear as a bell. Matt was so...I'm not sure how to describe it really...unless I put it in context...unless I really delve back into my memory bank and show you...

Unless...Well. If you could take a digital video cam and film my memories, this is what you would capture...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Matt came back for me after eating food from the band's rider and mucking around with the bassist, the short guy, Johnny. The whole band seemed to beat up on the little guy but he appeared to take it with aplomb. I watched on in bemusement but then Matt came over to where I was sitting and looked down at me through those anonymous shades.

"Come on. We're heading back to the hotel." That voice, it was rough but smooth all at once.

If I were going to be honest and admit to one thing in my life, it would be the fact that his voice damn near scared me to death. It was a contradiction in and of itself. Deep and sensual yet harsh and abrasive as gravel rubbing against skin, his voice did all sorts of uncomfortable things to me.

Nevertheless, it was a voice I would learn to obey, and love, at all cost. I peered up at him then stood hesitantly. He grasped my left arm at the crook of my elbow and made to steer me to the exit. Snakebites got in our way though. Zachary Baker to be more precise. The rhythm guitarist, whom I hadn't been introduced to, raised his eyebrows at us, curiosity blazing from the most startling green eyes I'd ever seen.

"Who's this, Shads?" Zachary cocked a black eyebrow at us. He must be half-Italian, was the thought that raced randomly through my mind.

Matt's rough response sent my heart pounding into double time. "This is my new toy, V."

I blinked, remembering that the guitarist's stage name was Zacky Vengeance.

The slightly pudgy male flashed a wide grin, the piercings on his lower lip glinting beneath the lights. "Big boy's toy, eh?"

Matt's grip tightened like a vice on my elbow causing me to wince. I tugged faintly at his hold; his gaze shot to me. Freezing, I went still and averted my eyes to the floor. I caught movement from the corner of my eye as he gave a little nod as if in approval, and then returned his focus to his friend.

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