"You're too damn cute."

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Matt was silent as we sat at the small dining table both facing the long window. Midmorning sunlight streamed through the thick glass bathing us in its warm glow. I'd woken earlier than him and gone into automatic mode. By the time he'd gotten out of bed and came into the main room, I had a steaming mug of coffee and a plate stacked with hot toast set in place for him.

He'd flashed me that dimpled smile once more and sat without a word. I observed him as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb him as he ate. Once he'd finished and I cleared the dirty dishes away, he motioned for me to join him at the table once more.

Now we sat together waiting for something to happen. Pressing the tip of my finger against the tabletop I began to trace random designs on the smooth surface. Then Matt cleared his throat and I felt him move slightly next to me. I peered up at him. A serious look passed across his eyes.

I waited.

He rubbed at his neck then allowed his palm to rest against the table. "Right. This is how it's gonna be. This tour is almost over, so I just want you to enjoy yourself." I blinked at him. He looked hard at me. "That's not too hard for you is it?"

Licking my lips, I shook my head. "No, sir."

Matt's eyes narrowed on mine and he shifted to lean both forearms against the table. "Another thing. You'll call me 'Master' when you address me." He sucked on his bottom lip. "Any other rules, I'll explain when we go home."

"Home?" I was curious to know where home was for him.

He smiled a faraway look clouding his eyes as if he were thinking of some wonderful memory. "Huntington Beach, Orange County. There's no place like it anywhere else in the world, Val."

My mouth went dry, and I trembled slightly. "Huntington...?"

Matt glanced at me, a slight frown on his face. "Yes. Is that a problem?"

I laughed dryly. "Only if you count the fact that I was born there."

He looked astonished. "You were born in Huntington?"

I nodded, looking down at my hands unable to meet his incredulous gaze.

"How come I never met you then?"

I didn't know the full answer to that question but I hazarded a guess anyway. "Guess our circles never mixed..." Glancing up at him, I added, "And, I was only there until I was five..."

Matt nodded, accepting that answer, smiling a little. "That makes sense."

He paused for a long while then looked at me again. "One other thing." He moved his hand and curled it around mine, stilling it. "When we get home. You will sleep with me."

I opened my mouth, but he pressed the tips of the fingers on his other hand to my lips. "Don't worry. I won't make you sleep with me, just yet. We'll go slow. I don't even know you well enough for that. But, no separate beds. I want you close to me."

My bottom lip trembled. I hated sleeping with other people. I always felt like I was going to be smothered. All my other owners had forced me to sleep with them, and they had never been considerate of my feelings.

Even though Matt was assuring me that he wouldn't make me do anything, for now...I didn't trust what he was saying. I just couldn't bring myself to believe that he would keep his word. No man ever did. It was always about what they wanted. It had never been about me.

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