"Thanks for the support."

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The girls are so nice. I don't think I've ever met a nicer group of females in my whole life. Then again, I've never had the chance to meet anyone, really, so that's not really all that surprising. But, if I'm going to set any benchmark, they are definitely what I'm basing my criteria on. They don't know everything about me, only what Michelle has told them, which judging by the things they have asked me, is not a lot.

Right now, I feel like I'm floating away from my body. We're sitting in a large marble spa, the warm water soothing against our freshly cleansed bodies. I've never had a bath where it's not about cleaning yourself. Usually, a bath to me is where I get the soap and lather myself up to wash away the dirt of my life. But, this is different. It's relaxing, and the bath salts that the staff here at the spa, soaked in the water are refreshing.

We've had about everything imaginable done to us, massage, pedicure, manicure, whatever-cure. Some of the things I have no idea what their names are, but whatever they were it was refreshing and I feel like a totally new woman. I guess that's kind of a cliché statement, but...whatever.

The girls are chatting to each other, laughter spilling around me. I listen in, smiling at all the right places. After awhile the focus of the conversation drifts toward the guys. I perk up, listening more closely as the girls' tones change from just mere laughter to a different quality that I just can't quite grasp. If I was to pin something down, it might possibly be that these women have known their men for so long that for them there are no secrets and they know exactly where they stand.

"Jimmy dotes on you Le," Lacey was saying.

Leana giggles, shifting her back against the edge of the bath. "He does. And vice versa...seriously, that man is my world. I mean...he's a crazy shit most of the time, and you girls know that. But, people who don't know him...they think he's just plain insane."

"They don't have to live with him, though," Michelle points out.

A ripple of laughter passes through the girls, and I can't help but join in.

Leana brushes at her eyes then goes on. "When he proposed to me...I gotta tell you, it was odd how un-crazy that was. Which, I guess was madness in itself."

"What do you mean?" I realise after a moment that I'm the one who asks the question. However, the girls don't stare at me as if I've intruded or anything; Leana and the others just smile at me.

And she answers, just as if I were any of the others. "We went out for dinner and he did the whole getting down on one knee and showing the ring thing. Simple and sweet. And, to be honest, exactly how he'd do it." Leana shakes her head, looking at all of us. "He's crazy mad...but, his heart always knows where it's at."

The girls all nod and I find myself joining in agreement with them. The short time I've known Jimmy, I can totally see where his heart is. That man wears his heart on his sleeve.

Lacey speaks up again; she seems to be the one unofficially mediating this conversation. "Gena, is Zacky a romantic?"

Gena rolls her eyes. "There're two things Zacky is. Romantic, and a big eater. Because, y'know, the way to a man's heart is his stomach."

"Wouldn't have anything to do with his, uh...Italian blood?" Michelle asks, lips curling.

"Says the chick with Italian blood in her," Leana comments.

I giggle at that. DiBenedetto is definitely an Italian name. There's no denying that. But, Zacky does look like he's at least part Italian.

"Well, yeah..." Michelle smirks. "Still, with a name like Baker."

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