"You obey those rules and we'll be hunky dory."

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The Rules. They were pretty simple; there were five of them. Matt listed them in pure and simple terms. I'll write them below so you can see them in all their simple, straightforward glory.

1. You will obey me

2. You have to ask before I let you do anything. Don't ask, don't get.

3. You will pay attention

4. You will tolerate my friends

And, last but not least:

5. You must never try to escape.

We were sitting outside in the small front garden of his Californian Bungalow the day after the tour had ended. I was curled up on a small cane chair dressed simply in a pair of beige slacks and a pink v-neck t-shirt. Matt was slouched on the long cane settee wearing a pair of cargo pants and his favourite Guns 'n' Roses muscle shirt.

He sat gazing absently out toward the ocean, chewing at his bottom lip. He told me he used to have a labret; however, he'd gotten tired of it so had just stopped wearing it. There was slight discolouration at the point where the piercing used to be. Apparently it took ages for the 'scar' to disappear.

I watched the waves as they moved up and down the beach, light white caps dotting the horizon. Matt turned his head toward me a contemplative expression on his face. Glancing up at him, I waited, sensing he had something to say.

"We need to talk." He folded his arms across his chest; I tried not to stare as the muscles in his arms flexed, biceps thickening.

Shifting so I was facing him, I looked at him questioningly. "About what, Master?"

I'd gotten used to addressing him as such, found it relatively easy in fact, compared to my previous owners.

Matt smiled faintly, but then his face became serious. "Rules."

My heart began to race at that single word. Every time one of my masters' mentioned the word rules I always knew that none of them would be fair, and that I would get the short end of the stick. I was the slave after all, and I had no rights.

Somehow though, Matt must have sensed my anxiety because he gave a low throaty laugh and shook his head at me. "Don't worry, Val. I've only got five. And they're pretty fucking simple."

Simple didn't always mean fair, but I had to accept anything that was given to me, because that was my lot in life. I had no choice, never had and probably never would. And so I just nodded and remained silent as Matt proceeded to lay them out before me.

Matt leaned forward on his chair and caught my eyes with his. The look in his eyes warned me not to look away.

I swallowed hard chewing at the inside of my cheek as he began to speak quietly. "First rule. If I tell you to do something, you will do it. No questions asked. If I tell you to stop doing something, then it's pretty obvious what you got to do, right?"

I shivered and murmured an answer. "I stop, Master."

"Right. You will obey me. I'll get to the consequences once I've finished with the rules." Matt leaned back against his seat crossing his ankles in front of him. "Rule two. If you want anything, or want to do anything you have to ask me first. Don't ask. Don't get." He smirked wryly. "Obviously, if you need to go to the toilet or do any of that girly shit...you don't need to ask. Just tell me, okay?"

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