"Val, it's important you talk to me right now."

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Matt's like a log when he sleeps, he doesn't move much and if you push him he just rolls right back into place. Not that I'm in any position to push him. I wake to find myself lying within the circle of his muscular arms, his soft snores letting me know he's still deeply asleep.

I blink slowly, wondering for a second how I got here, and then I remember that after Matt had his shower he collapsed next to me and promptly fell asleep. He'd woken me as he fell into bed; I'd blinked at him a few times before sliding back into sleep. Smiling at that thought, I snuggle down and close my eyes again, knowing there's no point in trying to get up, not for a little while longer. So, might as well sleep a little more.

Anyway, it's a Saturday...Matt likes to get a lie-in, considering he hasn't had much of a chance lately. And considering the guys will be coming over again for a big brainstorming session in the afternoon, I'm sure he'll want to be well rested for then.

Speaking of the guys, I'm looking forward to them coming over too. Matt says Michelle will probably come over with Brian. A part of me is happy about that, another little part is nervous. I mean, sure it's better between us now after that chat we had yesterday...but, it was just yesterday. I'm still not used to being...near her, if that makes any sense. I mean, heck...it's been less than twenty-four hours...

I sigh and turn to nuzzle into Matt's chest. He stirs, mumbling in his sleep, arms tightening around my body. I tilt my head trying to listen to hear if I can decipher any distinct words in his sleep-filled speech. I catch a few disconnected words and then something unexpected...

He mumbles a little louder, "No, you can't...I love..." his voice trails off, but it leaves me feeling a little numb. He loves...loves who?

I squeeze my eyes shut and press closer to his warm, solid body. The closeness is something I crave. Strange, considering I have never felt this way for any other master I have been with. Matt does things to me no other man ever has before. I'm sure I've told you that before. But, it does bear repeating.

I lie there, just listening. Listening to his breaths; listening to the birds singing out in the trees. A light sea breeze moves through the leaves of the trees, low and soothing. Shifting a little, I curl more into his body and close my eyes.

The peace is suddenly split by the ringing of the phone. Matt's eyes fly open and he sits up fast. I have to move away abruptly to avoid getting hit in the side of the face.

"What...the phone...Val." Matt's voice is raspier than usual, still edged with sleep.

I scramble out of bed and grab at the phone which is still ringing furiously. He sits there with his hands propping his body up; the sheets slide down a little exposing the top half of his deathbat tattoo.

I answer the call tentatively; I rarely pick up when the phone rings. "Hello? Sanders' phone."

I frown at the voice on the other end. It's a male voice, deep and commanding, not like Matt's...a lot scarier. Reminds me of several men I've met in my lifetime. "Um, who is this? Uh...well...I...can't tell you that..."

Matt leans forward giving me a questioning look and mouthing firmly, "Who is it?"

I shake my head at him and mouth back, "Don't know." I return to the caller. "Who are you? No....who are you?"

Matt's brow furrows into an anxious scowl and he waves his hand at me. "Give me the phone."

I shiver; something about the caller gives me chills. So, I don't hesitate at Matt's order and hand him the phone, before rubbing at my bare arms.

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