"We're all into honesty here, right?"

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"So, Matt. I've heard some rumours about you."


"Yeah, I mean asides from the ones about how you can bench press a thousand pounds...and are ten feet tall."

Matt snorts, shaking his head. "Those are real old...I can bench double that."

The radio host chuckles then continues. "Anyway, what I hear is that you have some chick chained up in your basement..."

Zacky laughs, chiming in, "What? Shads has a basement? That's news to me."

"Yeah, it's for if we get hurricanes, Zack...you should get one." Matt rolls his eyes then turns his gaze to the host. "As to that rumour..." He pauses, glancing over to the corner of the studio where I'm sitting quietly, watching and listening.

We've been in the studio for over half an hour already and Matt insisted I come into the booth with them, because he didn't want to leave me waiting outside. The host doesn't seem too put off my presence, though he hasn't actually acknowledged me or anything. But, I didn't think Matt was expecting to deal with any questions about the whole slave thing...or even just having it alluded too.

I tilt my head at him, curious as to how he'll answer it. Part of me is wondering how that rumour even eventuated, but another is just wondering how Matt will field it. The question, that is.

The host catches Matt's quick look towards me and raises his eyebrows. "Is that..?"

Matt frowns, and I see thoughts passing across his eyes. "We're all into honesty here, right?" he finally speaks up.

The host nods. "Of course. I detest liars." He smirks to soften the statement.

"Me too," Matt says. Shifting his weight, he leans in to the microphone. "That's Val...sitting behind us. And she is my..." he hesitates on the word, darting a look at me again. I bite my lip, but try a smile, wanting to support him in any way I can.

"She's your...?" the host prompts.

Matt grimaces but manages to get out, "She belongs to me."

"Belongs to you?" the host blinks, an expression of incredulity appearing on his face. "Is that some kind of macho controlling 'she's my girl and no one else is allowed to look or touch' thing...or...?"

My master clears his throat, roughly. "I don't wanna say the word..."

It dawns on the host, though. I can even imagine the tiny light bulb flashing above his head.

He keeps blinking as he says, "You mean she's literally your...your slave?"

I look down at the host's shocked question, only just catching Matt's scowl toward the other man.

"Yeah, but I don't 'chain her up in the basement'...where'd you hear that?"

The host seems a little taken aback by Matt's initial response, but manages to gather himself to answer the follow-up question. I lift my eyes again as he speaks. "It was probably just a joke...I'm sure the person who told me, meant nothing by it."

Matt props his elbows against the table the guys are sitting at across from the host. Johnny, Brian and Jimmy are all there as well, but it seems to be more the Matt and Zacky show, because they're doing most of the talking. Jimmy is actually spending more time with his back to the table, facing me and pulling faces. I try to ignore him, keeping my focus on Matt.

"Who said that?" There's a hint of steel to his tone. He's upset. Not that surprising, really. The whole thing of him owning me is extremely private, and usually personal questions of this nature aren't asked by interviewers. Guess this one is a little more ballsy...

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