"We all have choices."

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I'm brought awake by the sound of a familiar voice screeching out in the hallway.

"You shit! How could you do that to her?" It's Michelle, my sister. I blink, sitting up, the towel which is still wrapped around me, slipping a little. I tug it back up, noting that I'm still naked beneath it, and then turn my attention to the voices, listening. The sound of something hitting flesh reaches my ears and then Matt's raspy voice.

"Quit it! I didn't have a fucking choice." His tone is pained.

"Yeah, right...you...you...shit I can't even say the words...you...just...you asshole." Michelle sounds pissed; obviously Matt has just got done telling her what happened. But, I wonder what she's even doing here?

"Hey, fucking stop that! It's not my fault!" Matt is protesting against something; sounds like she's hitting him with a shoe, or something, I can't hear very well.

"Yeah, right. You're just too damned...ugh...stay there. I'm going to see how she is. No, just stay there, Sanders. I'll be right back." There's a moment's pause, and then she adds, "Brian, sit on him if you have to."

Oh, so that's why she's here. Brian probably needs to see Matt about the album, or something. I rub at my face just as Michelle's sharp footsteps arrive outside the room. She pushes the door open and steps in, gaze zeroing in on me almost the instant she walks in.


Drawing the towel closer around my body, I look down at the mattress, vision blurring. I feel the bed dip down next to me, shuffling as she gets comfortable. She says nothing more than my name, just waiting, giving me time to receive her. Brushing the back of my hand over my eyes and taking several deep breaths, I finally manage to look at her.

"Hey." My voice is hoarse, from all the crying. I cough and try again. "Hey, what're you doing here?"

Michelle cocks her head to the side. "Oh, Brian had to come see Matt about some song...but I don't really think that's important, right now." She looks at me for a long moment, obviously trying to figure out how to broach the subject without upsetting me.

I shake my head. I don't really want to talk about what happened. It's still too fresh, too raw. And even though I've physically washed myself of what Matt did to me...I still feel dirty... I mean, I feel really shitty...just...like I can't get myself clean enough after that. I know talking about it will probably help. But, I just don't feel up to it. Ironically, I'd much rather be sitting with Matt, just being with him, than talking about what he did to me.

Crazy, right? I mean, shit, most people would want to get away from the person who...forced themselves upon them...as far away as possible. But for me, it's different. Besides the fact that I can't get away from him... Maybe it's because I'm a slave, and I've been through much worse? Maybe it's because I know Matt would never do something like that in normal circumstances. I don't know.

I look at Michelle, biting my lip. She shakes her head, anger simmering in her eyes.

"I can't believe he'd do that to you."

I look down again. "He didn't have a choice..."

"That's what he said." Venom drips from my sister's voice. I sigh, meeting her sharp gaze.

"It's the truth. A guy from the Guild came and told him he had to do it." I play with the folds of the towel, pulling it between my fingers. She watches me, shaking her head again.

"He could've refused."

Shivering, I mutter, "No. He might have done something worse."

"Who? Matt?"

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