"But, it's the main thing."

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"Can I ask you something?"

Leash off, Bella is racing along the water's edge, tail flagging nineteen to the dozen, as we walk along the beach front. Matt is holding my hand, his thumb tracing circles against my palm. The end of Bella's leash is hanging out of the back pocket of his shorts. I peer up at him, thinking on his earlier interactions with my sister. He looks down at me, lowering the shades that are covering his gaze.

"What is it?"

Meeting his eyes, I mull over my thoughts. "Well, you and my sister...I don't get why she's like...that, with you."

Matt gives me a long look then sighs. "It's not just her. It's me too."

I flush, lowering my eyes. I wasn't going to mention that, after all it's not my place to comment on his conduct. My sister is one thing, but Matt's a no go zone, as far as I'm concerned.

Matt squeezes my hand. "Val, it's a long story." He gives a short laugh, no trace of amusement evident. I wonder at that, and peer up at him again. His brow is furrowing and he pinches at the bridge of his nose, this time pushing his shades up his face.

I shuffle my toes in the sand; I took my sandals off earlier, hiding them under a bush back up the beach. You'd think that people might steal them, but Matt says he used to always hide things there and no one has ever found them. The sand is cool on my feet and I give us both time to consider Matt's statement. Then I glance at his face again.

"We don't have to be anywhere right now...you could tell me."

Matt cocks an eyebrow at me, the dark arch rising above the top of his Aviators. "Are you asking me?"

I blush, realising he's gently correcting me. Lowering my eyes, I murmur, "Sorry, you don't have to, if you don't want to..." There's silence then and I shiver, wondering if he's mad at me. He says nothing more, for now.

We keep walking; Bella bounces back toward us, shaking her body, spraying water and sand over us. Matt laughs, releasing my hand and lunging at her. She dodges him then stands still several feet away, tongue lolling from her mouth. Matt growls at her. Bella barks back at him, tail wagging so hard I'm surprised it doesn't fall off the end of her body. Matt pauses, as she runs back toward him, and allows her to jump up on him. He dances around with her, and then begins chasing her along the stretch of sand.

I hang back, watching them. Bella seems to be laughing at Matt in that familiar irrepressible way that all dogs have. I think dogs always look perpetually amused with humans. He's laughing too, yelling at her as she twists and turns, avoiding him.

"C'mere, you crazy bitch!" Matt's laughing so hard he can't keep up with her and eventually collapses on the sand, several feet from where I'm standing. Bella rushes up to him, standing all over him, and licking him all over the face.

"Stop, stop...Bella...quit it..." He's pushing at her, chuckling deep in his chest, finally managing to get her to move aside so he can sit up. Wiping his sleeve against his face, then bracing his palms against his shins, he looks over to me. "Whew...crazy dog...Val, come over here.... Bella, sit." The last he shoots at the still wiggling Lab who's trying to pounce on him again.

Bella whines, he glares, pointing at the sand. "Sit."

If a dog could pout, I'm sure she would be, but she obeys him, laying her head between her paws and gazing at him with that look of adulation I think only dogs can pull off. He smirks at her then swings his head back to me.

"Val." Matt pats the spot beside him.

I blink at him, adjusting my pants, before joining him. He rubs gently at my arm then wraps both his around his knees, clasping his hands in front of them. Shuffling into a comfortable position, I lean my cheek against his shoulder. He smiles at me before gazing out at the small waves that are breaking on the sand.

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