"What's it like being the woman in Matt's life?"

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Michelle is watching me. I can feel her eyes boring into me. I am trying to ignore her from where I'm sitting next to Matt on the chaise lounge. He has one heavy arm resting around my shoulders the other hanging over the armrest. He's talking to Brian about some random baseball stuff. I'm relaxing against him leaning into his side.

And Michelle just keeps on staring at me. It's slightly irritating. I look over at her and frown. She blinks looking a little surprised, perhaps? I turn away and snuggle closer to Matt's body; his arm tightens around my shoulders and I absently press my lips against his shirt-covered chest.

Michelle sees this. She purses her lips, takes a deep breath then says out loud so everyone can hear. "God, you're such a whore."

I freeze, but Matt responds quicker than I can. His head snaps around and he pegs my twin with a cold glare. "Back the fuck off, Michelle. You're not any better."

I see her eyes widen and wonder what she thinks of Matt's comment. Guess I'll find out in a second.

She stands and points a finger at my master, seething. "You have some nerve saying that, Sanders. I'm one of your best friends' girls and you say that to me?"

Matt snorts, voice dripping in disgust. "You're being a bitch, Michelle. There's no excuse for it. Particularly when you're being one to Val. She's done nothing to you."

Michelle is shaking a little. I hide a smirk as she swings around to Brian who has just been sitting there observing the scene. "Hey...are you just going to sit there and let him talk to me like that?"

Brian gives her a weird look. "Well, normally I'd tell him to fuck off. But, don't you think it's odd? She's your fucking sister."

Michelle shakes her head in vehemence. "Hardly. Our parents put her in that orphanage when we were five."

Matt blinks and looks down at me, surprise in his eyes. "You never told me that."


"Why not?" There is genuine interest in his tone.

Shaking my head I peer up at him. "Didn't think it was relevant."

Michelle laughs, as she's giving me this scathing look. "Not relevant. You must be stupid."

Matt snaps at her, "Shut up, Michelle." Then he looks at me, expression grave. "You should've told me. Everything about you is important to me. You do know that, right?"

I nod slightly not meeting his gaze.

He grimaces, and then shoots a cool look toward my twin. "And, you... You shouldn't judge her."

Michelle sneers, "You're one to talk. She belongs to you. She's a fucking slave. You probably judge her all the time."

I stiffen at her words, my throat seizing. Trembling, I lever Matt's arm off my shoulder, lurch to my feet and rush out of the dining room. I hear the uproar that results, but block it out as I dash through the kitchen into the hallway and into Matt's bedroom.

I shut the door and slide down to the floor leaning my back against the solid wood. I can feel tears forming at the corner of my eyes. Resting my face against my knees and wrapping my arms around them, I rock myself slowly.

Eventually, I hear the voices wind down and then the heavy footsteps of my master leaving the dining room and approaching the room. They halt outside the bedroom door.

There's silence for a long moment and then Matt's husky voice whispers through the crack beneath the door. "Val...let me in..."

I shiver. I want to be alone. I really wish I could tell him to go away, but...that's never going to be an option.

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