"Wish we could've done this a long time ago..."

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"So, you had to go pick Zacky up? Why the hell did that take half an hour?"

Brian, Michelle and Zacky have just got here and Jimmy is heckling the lead guitarist over the length of time it took them. Brian brushes him off with a shake of his head.

Zacky answers the question though with a scowl on his face. "I was at my aunt's in Long Beach. I almost forgot about today. Syn called me this morning to remind me."

Matt and I listen in neither of us commenting as the drummer raises his eyebrows and announces, "That's not an excuse. I mean, fuck...I don't use visiting my aunt as an excuse to forget."

"Shut up, Rev. Your aunt's dead." Brian scoffs. I blink at his comment; Matt snorts, rolling his eyes. Michelle frowns and touches Brian's arm, just as Jimmy pretends to burst into tears.

"Now look what you did." My twin is scowling at Brian now, as she moves to wrap an arm around the taller man's shoulders. Jimmy turns and buries his face in Michelle's long dark hair. She rubs a hand up and down his back.

Brian just throws his hands up in disgust and walks to the chair opposite Matt and I, flopping down on it and flashing a bright smile at me. "Hey there, Chelle's twin."

I blush and avert my gaze. But not before catching a glimpse of the tight shirt he's wearing, that seems to hug every line of his well-defined torso. Brian Haner Jr, aka Synyster Gates is a very stylish man. He and Zacky each have their own clothing lines. I've noticed Matt pimping both brands on various occasions. In fact, he's wearing a Vengeance University tank top today.

Matt squeezes his arm around my waist, and then nods to Brian. "Does Michelle still want to take Val shopping?"

Before Brian can answer, Michelle sits on his lap and glowers at Matt. "You could ask me, Matthew. I'm right here you know."

I feel Matt stiffen next to me, and when he responds there is tension in his voice. "Yeah. Well. Do you?"

I look at my sister. Michelle purses her lips then meets my eyes, a tight smile appearing on her lips. I wonder what is passing through her mind as she studies me. Her eyes are exactly like mine, the same hue, the same brightness, the same honey-brown stare. Something flickers in their depths and then she turns her eyes back to Matt.

"I think maybe you should ask Val, if she wants to, Matt," Michelle suggests.

Matt nods and shifts his body on the couch, looking down into my face. "Val, do you want to go with Chelle?"

I look at him wondering if he's asking because I seriously have a choice, or because he just wants to humour my twin. Nothing in his expression reveals otherwise, but I know what my answer will be.

Smiling, I say, "Of course. I'd like that."

"Me too!" Jimmy pipes up and runs up and jumps onto my lap. I gasp in shock and push at him ineffectively. He pouts at me. I just blink at him, dumbfounded and a little out of breath.

"Hey!" Matt growls dangerously, and shoves at the drummer, while I try to get my arms out from under him. "Get the fuck off, dumbass. You're squashing her."

Jimmy pokes his tongue out at Matt, gives me a quick hug then jumps up and promptly falls on the floor at my feet. I stare at him; he stares back up at me. Then in a quick, agile movement, he flips back onto his feet and stands up, holding his arms up in a triumphant gesture.


Matt groans, shaking his head. "Fucking dork."

Jimmy smirks, flipping him off. "You know you love me."

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