"What were you saying no to?"

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"No. No. No."

I can hear Matt's voice and the tone is hard and angry. Obviously the guy from the Guild is pissing him off. He's only been here ten minutes by my reckoning and it's been going downhill since then. I can't really hear what the other guy is saying; he isn't a quiet man, but he's not as loud as Matt when he's in a temper – and I have the door closed. So, considering I can't hear the Guild guy, I have no idea what Matt is saying 'no' to.

There's a moment of quiet, where I can only catch a low rumble of voices then Matt's rises again, tighter than before. His words send chills down my spine.

"What the fuck? No. I can't do that!" More soft mumbling, then, "No. No. Damn it. No. She...it hasn't been like that with her." Pause. "So what? Just because she hasn't... No. No..."

I really wish I could hear what the other guy is saying; it would help clear things up for me. Then again, either way I guess I'd still be anxious. Anything to do with the Guild scares me. The fact that they have the power to take me away from Matt if they think it's necessary...terrifies me. I mean, I don't think they'd remove me just because Matt is being lax with me, but...well they could.

Stiffening, I sense that it's become extremely quiet and then I hear Matt again, his voice is much closer and then I realise I hear footsteps coming down the hallway, ahead of my master's voice.

"Look. You don't understand how it is with us. She's always obedient. I don't think any of this is necessary."

The bedroom door flies open. I shrink back against the headboard of the bed as the guy, who came before, strides into the room. Matt is right on his heels, expression dark. But for the first time in awhile I don't take any notice; my eyes are wide upon the Guild guy, and I can feel my body beginning to tremble. He glares down at me as he approaches the bed.

"Stand up," he demands. I don't hesitate. He's from the Guild, hesitation could get me punished.

Scrambling off the bed, I stand beside it, eyes lowered to the floor. I've never forgotten the training I was given. Just because Matt's easy on me doesn't mean I can't act this way for preservations sake. Still, I can feel the tension in the air. I don't dare look toward Matt, because I know he's furious. Judging by the coolness of the Guild guy's tone when he next speaks, he knows this too.

"We have to do this, Matthew. It's normal procedure."

With my head down, I can only hear Matt's response.

"Doesn't mean I have to agree with it, Robert."

I blink, still with my eyes fixed to the floor. So, that's his name...Robert. Not that knowing his name makes me warm to him or anything. Definitely doesn't make me any less frightened of the situation. The atmosphere is heavy between us now. The Guild guy, Robert clears his throat.

"Whether you agree, or not, is unimportant. This has to be done." Then he says to me, "Turn around and lean over the bed."

I shiver, this time darting a look toward Matt; his features are drawn in a cold mask, revealing nothing. He is keeping a tight rein on his emotions. He meets my eyes, though, and nods his head, an indication that I should obey.

Trembling, apprehension building inside my mind, I turn and brace my forearms against the bedspread. In this position, I am uncomfortably aware that my ass is sticking out behind me. I have never felt so vulnerable before. Except for when I had first slept with Matt.

There's a moment of stillness and then Robert walks over to the bed. I see from the corner of my eye his left knee propping against the bed beside me. Biting my bottom lip, I wait fearfully for what's about to happen. He pauses for a moment, then grips the back of my neck and shoves me forward against the bed, pinning me in a single rough motion. I gasp out in protest, grabbing at the bedspread, and twisting involuntarily beneath his hand.

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