"I really, truly, got lucky."

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Michelle looks absolutely stunning. She's wearing this white top that accentuates her body shape perfectly and a dark jacket over the top which gives her a sophisticated air. Her hair. I am so jealous of her hair. I can't believe I just said I'm jealous of someone's hair, but what the hell. It's just, beautiful. It's long and blonde and silky...and everything mine is not. Of course, Matt would beg to differ, but this is my opinion.

On the other hand, Brian looks ridiculous. He's wearing a multi-coloured, knitted poncho. Talk about tacky. But, then again, it kind of suits him. Not that I'm saying he's tacky... He's just in a goofy mood, running around and hugging everyone and going crazy. He's even tried to plant a sloppy kiss on Matt's mouth. He's acting more like Jimmy than Jimmy is.

Speaking of, the drummer is surprisingly subdued. He's sitting over in the corner of the dining room, smoking a cigar, I think. Leana is over with my twin checking the food. She keeps looking over at Jimmy, though who is just staring into space like he's trying to figure out the answers to the big questions.

Matt is across the other side of the room, drinking a beer and talking to Brian. Johnny is with them, just nodding his head at either one of them, whoever is talking. The Berry brothers are here as well, somewhere. I haven't seen Matt Berry, but Jason is sitting with Zacky at the dining table picking at some raw vegetables and dip. I'm sitting near to them, not really listening, just observing them all. Because, that's something I'm good at.

Little bits of conversation drift toward me, but I just filter them out, as my gaze finally settles back on Matt. He's talking in a low voice to Brian, a strange look in his eyes. I can't quite catch what he's saying, but I become even more curious as Michelle goes over to him and interrupts their conversation. The look on Matt's face gets even darker, if that's at all possible and he literally glares daggers at my sister.

Michelle glares back at him, snapping, loud enough for everyone to hear, "Don't you look at me like that, Matthew. I didn't invite them, they're my parents. They just decided to come. And they'll be here soon."

I sit up, eyes widening slightly. Her parents? My parents...

"They're her parents' too, Michelle. What the fuck were you thinking," Matt growls in response, anger obvious in his voice; he's right on the edge. He's definitely not happy with my sister. "She's not ready for this, Michelle. You should've told her."

"Told her what, Matt? Something I didn't even know until this morning? That's rich. I can't tell her shit I don't know. I'm not some kind of psychic."

Matt leans into my twin's face and practically spits at her, "You could've called us after you found out, Michelle. You have that freaking phone glued to your ear half the time."

"I do not!"

"And anyway, what about them, Michelle?" Matt goes on, ignoring my sister's outburst. "What the Hell are they going to say when they see Val? And don't even start about what kind of questions they're going to ask. Because I sure as Hell am not going to lie to them about how I met your sister."

Michelle scowls. "Do you really think they need to hear about that?"

"Yeah, I think they do. They have the right to know."

"I don't think Val would appreciate you telling them that she's a slave, do you?"

"I don't think she's ready to meet them right now, Michelle, let alone me telling them that." Matt crosses his arms over his chest, glowering at her.

I bite my lip, watching them. They're standing toe-to-toe arguing over this, while I have no idea how to feel. It seems a bit weird, considering I was just thinking about if I'd ever get to see my parents earlier today. Maybe I'm the psychic one. That's actually kind of funny.

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