Chapter 1: Hogwarts

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"Dad I dyed my hair and I am sorry but now people won't know who I am right away and I can finally go outside and not get yelled" he did not look happy but he seemed to understand but he threw my hat on the floor and ran to my sister room and pounded on the door. Kara opened the door with fright in her eyes "Did you help your sister dye her hair pink, blue, and purple?" she nodded she hated lying to him. He grabbed Kara's arm and pulled her over next to me "you both are going to be punished Roxy you are to give me your wand till further notice and I get your owl for a week now for you Kara you use your wand a lot so I will also take your wand till further notice but you should have known better". My dad loves me and her too much to even think about severe punishments so that's what he does he takes our wands for a week when he gives us our owls back. "Dad?" I just realized we go to Hogwarts in two day's "Yes sweetheart" "We have to go to Hogwarts in two day's and you can't be seen near other witches and wizards so I need my owl and wand". He nodded "Oh well then I won't take them away but don't do anything like again okay you too?" we both nodded and headed back to our rooms. I started packing and when I finished it was time for bed so I added a picture of me, my mom, Kara, and my Dad into my trunk and went to bed. The next morning I got a letter from Harry Potter but I stuffed in the bottom of my trunk because if my dad found out he would burn it my dad wants to kill him but me and Kara are trying our best to stop him but he won't stop.  I don't understand why he hates the Potters so much because he won't tell me. "Breakfast is ready you two" My dad always makes breakfast the day before we go back to school but Kara doesn't go to school anymore so she takes me to school at where ever. We live in an apartment because we are always traveling but someday I hope we won't have to travel so much and that we can move into a real house but when I ask he always say's no. I ran downstairs and smelled Bacon I hate Bacon when he makes it because he get's burnt and then he crumples the pieces up when he tries to take it off the pan but there was also pancakes and cereal and also scrambled eggs. I made a plate of everything except for the Bacon and Cereal because the Bacon was bad and my dad pours the milk into the cereal box and eats it like that right out of the box. My sister on the Other hand does the same thing because my dad get's frustrated when he can't remember how muggle's do thing's. That day was as normal as can be so I went to bed early. The next morning I woke up to the sound of my sister blowing one of the loud horns in my ear she made me jump up and scream but then she started laughing which made me start laughing I love her laugh it's so funny. I grabbed my trunk and tried to lift it off of my bed but I pulled it off a little bit and then fell over and it landed on top of me but luckily my sister rushed back into my room and pulled my trunk off of me. "Thanks sis" I got up "No Prob just I will carry your trunk for you" I thanked her again and went downstairs I grabbed a piece of toast and went to the fireplace we were going to use floo powder to get to the train station. When we got there I climbed onto the train and my sister went home. At first no one noticed that I was there until someone yelled "Look it's his daughter!" I climbed into the first compartment I could but turned around to find a red head boy a Burnett with very fuzzy haired boy who I think Harry Potter. "Hello" the girl waved at me I waved back but decided to act tough so they won't think they are better than me "Move out of the way I am going to sit in here with you guy's I mean punks" the girl moved over "I know you aren't like your father but your father is pretty evil and I know maybe he can change". I nodded and looked at my feet "Sorry for trying to look tough before I just have been through a lot and no one has wanted to be my friend before" The three people looked at me then the red head spoke "well let's be friends then I am Ronald Weasely but just call me Ron that is Hermione Granger you can call her Hermione and of course you would know that's Harry Potter" Harry looked at me "harry can we have a truce I am not like my dad at all me and my sister are trying to stop him and we are trying our best please forgive me because it isn't my fault he killed your parents?" He took one look at the group around him and nodded solemnly.

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