Date Night.

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"I was only trying to make friends with my dearest grandson's new mother" Lucius smiled casually. "I think not, you have no right to be here" he simply shrugged "Yes and No..." Benny jumped from Ron's arms and ran towards me, but Lucius picked him up before he could get to me.

"PUT HIM DOWN!" I shouted Lucius chuckled "Well hello little guy, miss me?" Lucius turned to me, I felt scared and helpless. Then Lucius walked towards me slowly "Isn't it a shame to lose your only grandson?" I shrugged "Not sure, I will never know" He laughed loudly and people were starting to stare. 

"Put my child down Lucius you have no right to hold someone's child without permission" he put Benny on the ground and he ran towards me and held my legs, then Piper started to cry unsure of what to do. I picked up Benny and placed him on my back while Lucius watched me.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Ron started speaking breaking the frightening silence, "Oh not much just my grandson and everybody's death...but what I came here for oh I actually just needed some bread, but I saw you guys here so I thought I would freak out the kids." I walked around him and over to Hermione who was calming Piper.

I let Benny down and Ron held his hand while I took Piper from Hermione. "Okay then, I'll be on my way!" Lucius disappeared which was very strange. "Well that was stressful I come to the store, get some pancake mix and bacon, then leave with my heart in my stomach" Hermione patted my back "YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!" I raised my eyebrow and she laughed.


Ron smiled and I looked down "What's wrong?" Hermione placed her hand on my shoulder "I haven't had a date night since we got married because we have 5 kids." she shrugged "I have the perfect babysitter, she loves kids and loves giving people attention!" I looked up at her "Who?" she smiled "GINNY!" I smiled. "Fine date night tonight, at six" she smiled "YAY!".

6:00 pm. that night

I had told Harry about our hectic weekend and we dropped the kids off at Ginny's she took precaution and invited her boyfriend to help her. She says it's good experience for the future. When we arrived at the restaurant and looked around for Hermione and Ron. Once we found them we walked past the lady taking reservations and made our way to them, "Remember don't be clumsy this time".

Harry chuckled and we walked to the booth and slid in on the other side of them "Good afternoon Hermione!" she looked up from the menu and smiled "Wait, I didn't tell you which restaurant to go to how did you find us?" I just realized that too. "Let's just say we found 7 other couples that weren't really you..."

Ron chuckled and Harry smiled, Ron and Harry started talking about something so Hermione and I started talking about different outfits she is making for the girls so they can match. I think it's so thoughtful of her to do that. "Hello ladies and Gentlemen how may I take your order with evening?" Harry ordered a water and Ron ordered a soda, Hermione and I were thinking about going crazy and getting margaritas but we weren't sure, we ended up getting a water and a margarita to split.

It's no strange it's just we have never had one because of our kids. "I have never had one of these" I pointed to the margaritas on the menu and the waitress came back with it. My eyes widened at the salt around the outside and I was deeply confused. "What the heck?" Hermione sipped it and immediately regretted it I decided to try it myself.

I sipped it and It tasted like something I could never describe A/N I have no idea what a margarita tastes like bare with me I am only a teenager trying to write an exciting story. It was interesting but I was better off with a Lemonade. I waved the waitress over to us and she came smiling "Are you ready to order an appetizers?" I smiled "Actually can we get two lemonades and can you take this back, Oh and yes we would like the mozzarella sticks please".

She picked up the cup and nodded and left. I smiled at Hermione and she was laughing "What?" I wiped my face thinking there was something on it but she only laughed harder "What is wrong with you?" then she started crying, I could tell she needed sleep she was slap happy. "Hermione calm down as soon as we eat and finish tonight you can go home and sleep I can watch Riley tonight!"

She bursted into tears and started sobbing, people started looking in our direction "You-sniff-are truly and amazing-sniff- friend!" I shrugged "It's my job" she smiled and stopped crying then blew her nose. The waitress came over with our mozzarella sticks and the waitress stood at the end of the table smiling again "What?" Hermione lightly punched Ron and mumbled something that sounded like "rude much?". Hermione smiled and told the waitress her order and Ron and Harry followed after until it was my turn.

I had no idea what I wanted, the past couple of nights all I ate was fish sticks and macaroni because I had to go to the grocery store but never did because I was afraid. I smiled and decided on something "I would like a chef surprise!" she smiled and laughed "Coming right up, I will be back to check on refills!" she then left. 

dedicated to: Gryffindor_Pride934


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