Draco's out of azkaban?

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When we went back inside and went to bed piper called out from her bed "mumsie my tummy hurt can I sleep with you guys?". I got up and picked her up and took her to our bed but then everyone else followed and climbed in too. I barely got any sleep but I guess it was worth it because I knew the kids were safe and comfortable. Then I suddenly was woken up from drifting slowly away when I heard the dogs barking and someone screaming. I got up and ran to the window and saw Kara running around away from them. But it was very weird because it was 12:43 and Kara was in my backyard? I walked down the stairs and called the dogs to come inside but I pulled out my wand for precaution "Kara?" I called out to her. She turned at me but she didn't look right which confused me so I raised my wand towards her a bit but not enough for her to notice. Then she ran towards the fence and jumped over it "YOU'LL NEVER GET ME!" she called but then I realized that wasn't the voice of Kara...That was the voice of Draco. Harry then came down the stairs and stood next to me "Why are you down here?" then he traced where I was looking and growled "Draco". I started running after him and Harry yelled for me to come back but I ignored him and when I realized I wouldn't catch him but I still ran, wand out in front of me and yelled "STUPEFY" and he dropped to the ground and I ran beside him. "What do you think your doing out of azkaban and at my house and it's almost one o'clock in the morning!" he looked nothing like Kara anymore and it was full Draco "Just thought I would visit my boy, so if you would let me get up I'll be on my way" he said cheerfully. "Draco quit the crap why were you in my backyard at this time?!" he looked up at me and sat up "I miss my boy Roxy I can't stop thinking about him honestly, but it's not like you would care because you saw what I do to him" I slapped him across the face "WHAT-OOF" Something came hurdling at me and hit me in the stomach causing me to fall and  cough uncontrollably. "PUKE SLUGS ROXY" Draco pointed his wand at me and instead of coughing I started puking slugs, which reminded me of a story Harry told me about Ron. Then Harry was at my side and punched Draco in the nose which caused blood to get everywhere and I knew it was broken. "YOU EAT SLUGS MALFOY!" and Harry grabbed his arm and they apparated somewhere. I'm guessing that Draco didn't really care since his nose was bleeding uncontrollably. I decided to lay there for a bit until I started to slow down on the slugs coming out. When they stopped I glanced in the direction of lights going on and Benny opened the back door and he looked to be crying "MOMMY!" he ran over to me and knelt down "Benny sweetheart go back inside, wait what's wrong?" he started sobbing "Mommy" he climbed into my arms but I could feel a slug coming on so I turned and spit it out and then held Benny close and tight. Once he finished crying he moved to face me, and he had bloodshot red eyes and was sniffling so I wiped his eyes with my thumbs and Benny looked at me and smiled "What's wrong buddy?" he looked around as if he was searching for something then look at me with full attention. "I thought I lost you forever!" he started crying again but I pulled him to me and whispered to him "Benny what do you mean I don't understand?" he pulled away and looked into my eyes and I could see hurt and sadness. "I had a dream Draco took me and when I got away and found home you weren't there and I woke up and ran to your room and you and daddy weren't there, so I looked into everybody's rooms and they were there, so I decided to just cry in the corner until I heard yelling outside and I looked outside and saw you...wheres daddy?" he looked around again but got up and ran around. I got up and grabbed his hand "Daddy will be back soon Benny I promise, he had to run an errand" he looked up at me and I squeezed his hand and we walked back inside. He ran up the stairs and into our bedroom and jumped in the bed and under the covers "Sleepover?" I shrugged and went into the bedrooms and pulled everyone out of their cribs and took them into our bedroom and Benny was fast asleep so I took the quadruplets and put them into the bed and I went to sleep in the rocking chair in the corner of our bedroom.  When I woke up I saw Harry had climbed into the bed with the kids and was looking at me "Is everything okay with Draco?" I whispered and he nodded "Yeah I sent him back everything is okay now" I nodded and smiled "Good, well I'm going back to sleep Nighty Night!" then he smiled and waved at me and I waved back and he chuckled and I fell asleep. 

I am so sorry it has been such a long time I was really busy with some summer stuff so ENJOY!

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