The Date

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I was so happy we finally are able to get a date and I think it's going to go well since it won't be awkward because Ron and Hermione are going too. "Hey Roxy I was just messin with you Ron and Hermione aren't coming" Harry called after me "Oh okay" great now it's just me and him. I decided to go into another empty classroom and get myself to look somewhat nice. I found a small classroom where no one was in and I went to turn on the lights but only one shined and it was over a mirror. I needed a mirror so I could look at myself and fix anything that needed to be fixed before my first date with Harry. I went over to the mirror and I saw a young lady that I saw in one of my dreams in my dream she said she was my mother. "Hi Roxy" the lady stepped forward "um hello miss" she frowned "don't you know who I am?" I shook my head "you're father didn't tell you did he but I will....I am your mother I died trying to save your true love and his family" "I don't understand" I heard the door creak open but I ignored it. "I am your mother and I have a power that no one knew about and that is I can find out girl's and guy's true love and your father killed Harry Potter's parents but I snuck in and grabbed Harry and replaced Harry's memory with what looked like instead of being safe outside with me he was inside in his mother's arms" I nodded to let her know I was letting it all sink in "how do I know you aren't lying to me and that you aren't saying that to make me think otherwise and how does Harry always have his scar". "I am not lying to you and I don't know how to prove it to you but I put a curse in Harry so whenever Voldemort was around his scar would hurt but if Voldemort was defeated his scar would disappear". I nodded again and paced back and forth in front of the mirror I looked behind me and saw Harry sitting on the ground looking at the mirror he looked at me and got up and went to leave "Harry wait" he stopped. "Harry-" something had grabbed my shirt and it was pulling me into the mirror I screamed "HARRY HELP ME!!!" I reached my hand out and he grabbed it but the mirror was too forceful and broke us apart. I looked left and right but all I saw was white I was confused before I knew it I was getting taller and older I closed my eyes and got pushed into a wall. My head was ringing but when I looked around I was in a hospital bed, this was all so confusing. Hermione then came up next to my bed "Oh my gosh don't scare me like that you too were stuck in a mirror and it was like a picture frame and me and Ron went there everyday to check on you and you and Harry are better looking and me and Ron have some news" I was sitting and listening but looked down and saw my legs were longer and my hair was dark brown and very pretty. "Ron proposed to me and we are getting married soon!" getting married at only fifteen "wait what you are getting married at only fifteen years old!" she shook her head "no silly you and Harry were stuck in that mirror for such a long time you are 21 years old now" I looked over at Harry who was way better looking and I know that we never going to be together because he is way better than me. I sat up and Hermione and Ron were looking at me and I didn't even realize it was Ron because he didn't look normal "hey where's my Dad when can I see him?" I was so anxious to see my dad again I miss him so much Ron walked out of the room and Hermione broke down into tears and ran after Ron I wonder what that was all about? "Roxy Ron and Hermione gathered up everyone and they killed many death eaters and your dad didn't want to lose so he fought and he died I am so sorry but just think I didn't even know the truth about how my parents died but you do you know that you dad killed her to get to me and your dad died trying to kill everyone in Hogwarts" I gathered all of my pillows and blankets and snuggled up into the corner and cried. I cried for 8 days straight until my sister came to visit me "I would have came sooner but  I didn't think you were alive they told me you and Harry died together which would have been perfectly fine if you were naturally dying because you were so in love with Harry". I looked over at Harry and he waved so I waved back "Oh sorry Roxy I didn't know he was over there" "it's okay Kara it's not like you knew right away I am just so happy you came to visit me I can't wait till I leave" She looked down at her feet and sat down. "What is it Kara?" I knew something was one her mind "it's just when the Ministry found out where Dad was they came and he hid me and aparated somewhere they blew up the house and everything we owned but I grabbed the one thing I knew you and I can't live without I grabbed a picture of when you were a baby and I was a toddler and Dad and Mom were there and me and you had face paint on and-"She bursted into tears and she couldn't stop. "Roxy do you want to go on that date tonight the doctors told me I could go last week but said you couldn't so I stayed with you and they said you can leave today". He waited for me and I was a jerk to him because I made his friends cry and I cried for 8 days, but he still stayed "I would love to Harry".

Sorry for the sudden change, I was getting bored with the book so I decided to change it up a bit, sorry about that.

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