Piper's sick

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3 years later....


Harry and I had decorated all the rooms and Piper wanted purple walls, James wanted red walls, Devin wanted green walls, and Austin wanted black walls. They all got the colors they wanted  except Benny shares a room with Devin but they get the biggest room and they "helped paint" but really they just played with the dogs. They went outside and Harry and I smiled as they played with the dogs but lately Piper hasn't really been as perky as usual. She used to love giving them treats and playing frisbee even though it wouldn't go far and Benny would throw it farther for her. "Piper honey can you some inside?" she nodded but instead of just her everyone came inside because they were curious. "Are you feeling okay?" I grabbed her hand and started walking to the Living room while Harry ushered the boys outside. "Not really mumsie, my tummy hurts" she looked up at me and I walked into the bathroom and pulled out a thermometer to see if she was sick. When I walked out into the living room Piper had turned on the TV and was watching Spongebob. I walked over to her "Open" she opened her mouth and I placed the thermometer under her tongue "Close" she closed her mouth and after waiting a little bit, it beeped and I took it out. When I read the thermometer I put my hand on her forehead and it felt warm and the thermometer read "102" she had a fever, I picked her up and took her up to her room and laid her down on the bed "Alright you have a fever now take a nap and when you wake up I will make you some soup" she smiled "What kind?" "Chicken Stars" she giggled she always called it chicken stars because the noodles are shaped like stars. I walked down stairs and saw Harry and he looked at me with worried eyes. "She has a fever but she should be fine, I told her to take a nap and then we can make chicken noodle soup which is also known as-" Harry smiled and cut me off "Chicken stars" we laughed and I went to the pantry and saw we didn't have any "Harry I'm going to go to the store really quick to get some soup!". Harry shook his head "Leave me alone with them? nope I will go and you can watch them" I shrugged "Go right on ahead I guess, just make sure you get the ones with stars not anything else" he smiled  and nodded "Bye" he kissed my forehead and then apparated to the store. "Mommy Mommy Mommy!" Devin ran in with mud in his hands "I made you a chocolate pie" he smiled and held out his arms and I turned around and picked up a pair of plastic gloves and reached for the mud pie "Thanks sweetie, Go into the bathroom and wash your hands now" he smiled "Not until you try it!" he giggled and I pretended to eat it "Yummy" I smiled and he giggled and ran to the bathroom and Austin walked in with James and Benny following behind slowly. They had mud all over them from head to toe, "Boys stay outside I will be right there" they walked back outside and I grabbed an apron then the dogs ran inside covered in mud and ran everywhere in the house. I screamed and ran went back outside so I grabbed 5 towels and dog shampoo and then went to the boys rooms and grabbed some bathing suits. I finished getting prepared when I went outside to see them rolling in the mud like pigs. "Alright boys put on your trunks on the closed in porch and then I am going to wash the dogs and put up the new blow up pool I found". They screamed and giggled when I said "pool" and then ran into the porch to get on their suits and I grabbed the leash and collar to the dogs and put them on and rinsed all the mud off and put soap on and scrubbed till they were their original color. Once I had rinsed off the soap I dried them with towels and wrapped the towels around them and they walked around a bit and then shook them off and went inside to nap I'm guessing. Then I went inside to see Harry back and putting a couple cans of soup into the bowls "I got 2 cans of stars and then 4 cans of star wars" I smiled and he put the bowls in the microwave and I headed back outside with the pool box and set it up and then connected the air pump to the top rim part and then put the hose in the pool. "Boys let me spray off the mud on you and then you can help me fill up the pool" they lined up and I sprayed them lightly and then put the ladder on the side of the pool and then got in and held the hose for me and I grabbed a pool chair and pulled it up to the pool. "Roxy the soup is ready I am going to wake up piper" I nodded "Alright I will get the boys dried off and then inside" he nodded and the boys sighed "you guys can come back in when we are done eating just you'll have to wait a bit or your tummy's will hurt". They nodded and got out and I handed them all a towel and they went inside and sat in their chairs. I put out all the bowls and went upstairs to see if Harry had awoken Piper yet. When I walked into her room Harry was fast asleep next to Piper and Piper was still sleeping but on Harry's stomach. "Alright you two it's time to eat" I picked up Piper and put her on my hip and Harry got up and walked downstairs with me and we ate our soup. Once we had finished Piper's fever had gone down to 100 and I let her stay outside with us and she laid down and slept in the porch while harry played with the boys and I tried to get a tan or somewhat of a tan. 

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