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Dedicated to: OnlyTheBestRemakes

Author's note: I think I am going to start writing Author notes because I feel like I could just write random crap here so if you read this thank you for reading my random crap. Anywho I am bored so I am writing.

I wrote Harry a letter and put in on the door of my room and left to go and help Hermione babysit 8 children. She babysits so she can see what it's like to take care of kids and I offered to help so I could know too. When I got to her house there was a baby in a carrier out on the front porch and when I finally found Hermione there were like 3 girls on her back and she was carrying one on the front and she a red face. "OH Hermione I am coming" I grabbed the baby off of the porch and ran over to Hermione and pulled off all of the kids. "Thank you Ryry"I gave her a confused face "Ryry what is that?" But then a little boy started running around the car with a shirt off. The he started yelling "I got my shirt off and no one cares". I ran  over to him and scooped him up and put a shirt on him. "What's your name boy?" he looked at me then back at Hermione then looked back at me "What's it to you" then he jumped out of my arms and into the street. I ran after him but he kept running then he tripped and started crying "That's what you get for running away from me" then I took him inside and sat him in the chair in the corner "It's time out time" I set the timer for 10 minutes. "In ten minutes I will be back to let you out of time out". He only nodded before facing the corner I then went back outside to find Hermione and all the kids back on her screaming "Hermione the Hermit crab" I pulled the smallest kid off her and I put all the others in separate and counted all of the kids including the kid in time out. I only counted seven so I went back outside and couldn't find anymore but then I heard crying then realized oh yeah the youngest baby was still in her carrier. I ran over to him and picked him up out of the carrier and took him inside. 

Harry's POV

I woke up startled from the dream I had. The dream was that Roxy had been killed by Voldemort so I committed suicide to be with her. I put on my glasses and walked into the hallway but saw a note on Roxy's door so I pulled it off and read it.

Dear Harry,

There is an omelet in the fridge for you, I ate breakfast already and sorry about the other half of your omelet I was really hungry today, and I went over to Hermione's, she is babysitting those annoying 8 kids again. Anyway's Love you I will be back around 2:30.

I hate those kids I don't know how she stands them but I guess Roxy will finally learn that kids aren't always the best. Wait did that say "Love you"? I think it did. I read it over and over just admiring the handwriting and I think I really am in love with her but she doesn't really seem to be in Love with me? I decided that I would do something romantic for her since she and I are comfortable enough to say we loved each other. I decided to make her a romantic lunch so when she get's home she can eat with me. I went out to the store and found candles that when you light them they play romantic music so I bought a few of those and went home. When I got home it was 1:30 I decided to set up the table and get some food in the oven.

Roxy's POV

I decided to ask about the little boy and find out why he was on the front porch instead of being inside "Hermione who is that baby?" I pointed over to the little boy "That's Michael his mom doesn't want him anymore so I keep trying to offer to babysit him all the time" I nodded and went over to him and picked him up and carried him back over to the couch we were sitting on. "Do you think I could....never mind" she shook her head "no what is it Roxy?" I looked down at the baby and it looked at me with it's blue eyes "I was going to ask if you thought that maybe I could ask Harry and see if we can adopt him" her jaw dropped. She nodded her head "do it Roxy you can ask her" I nodded my head "okay".

When the mother came to pick up the boy she was dressed in very worn out clothing and her face was red and scratched up face. "Excuse me miss" I didn't exactly know what to say but I just went ahead and asked "Could I adopt your baby from you?" she looked a bit taken back but then bursted into tears. Then the baby bursted into tears seeing his mother crying "Yes-you-can" she said in between sniff and blowing her nose on the tissue I gave her. I felt bad now and I didn't want to just take the baby from her "I don't have to adopt your child from you, you can keep him if you want". She shook her head "I can't afford to take care of him anymore and I am embarrassed of who I am and who the father is" I can't tell whether she is talking about being a witch and the husband being a wizard or something else. She leaned into my ear and whispered "We are wizards" I nodded "I am too so is your son a pureblood then?" she nodded. "You can take him now if you would like I already have to papers" I nodded my head and signed the papers "Thank you for helping me find him a good home" I nodded "No thank you for letting me have him". I then later put him in the car and drove home, when I got home the lights were off but it was 2:30 is Harry still sleeping? I went inside and put the baby on in the recliner and walked into the kitchen to find candles playing music, Harry making lunch or dinner, and rose petals on the table. "Harry?" he turned around and frowned as he looked past me and saw the baby "Who is that?" I walked over to the baby and picked him up. "This is now my baby" he shook his head and walked back over to the table so I set the baby back down in the chair and sat down at the table. "What is all this for?" Harry set out the food which consisted of steak and broccoli. "What's her name?" Harry said after I looked back over to the baby for like the 40th time "he, and his mother didn't say but I think I will name him Benjamin so I can call him Benny" Harry nodded "I like that name" I nodded "I think he will make a great son for you and I think that if we were to ever get married he would make a great son for me too". He is talking about marriage and he made a romantic lunch what if he asks me to marry him what do I do actually he wouldn't ask me right in the middle of my kitchen he would go somewhere else. "Roxy do you want to go out with me again tomorrow?" I nodded "I would love to Harry but I need to find a sitter for Benny then don't I?" he shook his head "No you can bring him with us if you want".

When we finished our food it Benny started crying so I changed his diaper and put him to bed on the couch since I didn't exactly know I was getting a child today I didn't have anything for him except the carrier. The next day I went shopping for baby stuff and I ended up buying pretty much anything that was baby related and I set it all up in the basement where I had an extra room from where Harry had slept before in. When Benny woke up from his nap I woke up from my nap too because he wouldn't stop screaming and crying. Benny's Birthday is June 11th and he is currently 4 months so he had a while before he got another boat load of gifts. 

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