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Author's Note: I am currently bored again and I am also really excited about this chapter but to be honest i am just sitting on my laptop doing nothing so please comment, vote, and follow me. I do realize the video is of a little girl and not a boy and i realize the teddy bear is pink but i just thought "hey that's the closest i can get to the story" so deal with it. 

When I put Benny in his new carrier he laughed as I struggled to put his seatbelt on but he didn't seem to mind me reaching over him and trying to get his legs back into his seat. When I finally got him settled in I got into the passenger seat. I was wearing a long black gown that had a sparkled V shape on my chest and it was gorgeous at least I thought it was. Harry got into the car and he was wearing a tux and he looked better than he has in a while but he seemed nervous. "Harry where are we going?" he blushed "oh um....to a restaurant" I looked out the window then back over at Harry I saw he was really focusing on the road so I turned around and saw Benny playing with his new rattle. The funny thing is that his morning he was playing around in his room and I took a brown teddy bear and placed in front of him and said "Hello Benny" then I laughed a little and he bursted in tears. I laughed my head off and I felt bad but then when he saw I was laughing he started to laugh too. 

When we finally got to the restaurant it was a bit crowded so Harry said he reserved a table outside so we went outside and sat down. When our waitress came by she placed a high chair and we ordered our drinks. I gave Benny a toy and the car keys so he would be busy but when he got bored I took away the keys and replaced it with a muggle tablet they had at every table and he played on that. "You look beautiful tonight Roxy" I jumped a bit because we hadn't said anything to each other since we got there. "Oh thank you Harry you don't look too bad yourself in fact you look really lovely" Lovely what am I saying he nodded and our food came we had gotten the same things because we didn't know what to get so we had Benny point at what looked best and it was just hamburgers and fries with an artichoke. I had learned how to eat an artichoke but it was really awkward so I grabbed the artichoke and peeled off the leaves and split the heart in three's and gave one third to Harry and one third to Benny when we tried then Benny spit it out because since he didn't have any teeth he couldn't eat it so I ate mine and it was delicious except for the ending flavor. I watched Harry eat his and his facial expression towards the end was priceless he made a sour face face and saw me looking at him and he tried to smile but it didn't work out. After we ate the rest of our food and when our waitress came to give us the bill she asked "Are you too married because your son is adorable" Harry smirked when she said married. "Well we aren't married but someday I hope we are" I looked over at Harry and he looked back at me, I can't believe I said that out loud "Well I will leave you too alone if you need anything let me know". Harry was still looking at me and he got out of his chair and came over to me I knelt down on one knee and I started to tear up I was so happy "Roxandra Rayne Riddle will you marry?" I felt tears go down my face "Yes, Yes I will Harry" I got up and hugged him and kissed him and he kissed me back. I felt like the most alive person I am so happy. I broke away from him for air but then went to Benny and picked him up and threw him up in the air then realized Harry was still holding the ring out and it was beautiful. I didn't look at the ring once I just stared into my fiance's eyes. It feels good to call him my fiance but it would be even better to call him my husband but that comes later.

When I got home I got into the shower and went to bed the next morning I woke up to the phone ringing. "Hello?" it was Ron "HURRY COME TO ST MUNGO'S HERMIONE IS IN LABOR AND SHE NEEDS YOU!" then he hung up I quickly woke up Harry and got dressed and Harry got dressed and I grabbed Benny and wrapped him in a blanket and ran out to the car "Harry let's go hurry up" I turned on the car. Harry got into the driver's seat since I don't like driving and then we stopped "Roxy can we just apparate?" Harry just said the dumbest thing "NO WE CAN'T WE HAVE A 4 MONTH OLD  WHO WILL DIE IF WE TAKE HIM" he looked taken back. "Sorry for yelling Harry it's just Hermione is in labor and she needs me" he restarted the car and went so fast I thought we would crash or get a ticket but then when we got there Ron was pacing back and forth and ran over to me. "Nice ring Harry...oh churry come with me" he took my hand and I took Harry and we ran into Hermione's room when she saw my face she looked relieved but I told Harry to wait outside with Benny. Ron ran over to the other side of Hermione and I held one hand and Ron held the other hand when she squeezed my hand my hand started turning purple and Ron look down at his hand and his face was bright red then he looked back at Hermione who started screaming her head off and I was so happy that I could just adopt except for when he grows up and I have to tell him I am not his biological mother. 

When it was all over Hermione had had a baby girl and she named it Riley because it sounded like my name. When Ron was done holding her he handed her to me and Harry came in "Aw she is so cute". He came over to me and held out his arms to hold her "not yet I want another minute" I just wanted to hold her for a while longer but instead I handed her to Harry and picked up Benny who turned 5 months today so I have a 5 month old baby and that's all I need. When Harry gave Riley back to Hermione he sat down next to me and held my free hand "I am so happy right now because I have you and my almost new son" I nodded and kissed his hand "I love you Harry" he kissed my cheek "I love you too Roxy" then we heard Ron over in the corner going "aawwwww" when he wasn't even married to the mother of their daughter. "Shut up Ron you aren't even married yet but you have a daughter" he blushed I knew that face he was going to propose soon like Harry did because Harry made that same face when the waitress said "marriage". Harry went over and whispered something in Ron's ear and Ron nodded then Harry walked over to me and whispered something in my ear "Ron is going to propose to her this weekend" my jaw dropped and Hermione noticed "What?". I had to think of something "Harry said your baby was getting on his nerves because it won't stop crying" really why would I say that I mean the baby is a newborn "Oh well just think he will have to take care of Benny too" I nodded my head "yep" and I smirked and Harry only glared at Benny "don't give him the evil eye meanie" Harry looked up and straight at Ron who was mouthing words "I am scared for the weekend" Harry smiled "Good luck".

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