Moving Plans?????

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The next morning I woke up and ran to the bathroom and puked all over the bathroom mirror and then went to the toilet and puked. Then the door opened to see Harry with towels and cleaning supplies because today we were going to clean the bathroom. He took one towel and gathered my hair and pulled it into a pony tail and patted my back. "This is what you get from last night and the restaurant" he laughed but I only puked again. "Poor Love I'm sorry I should have warned you" I shook my head "It was my fault but I've never been drunk before so I guess this is what I get" he nodded and left to get Benny who was currently screaming and crying. I got up and wiped my mouth and went in the kitchen to find something to drink and wash out the taste I had from before. When I went to the kitchen I opened the cupboard and found a baby potbelly pig. It was so adorable I picked it up and ran into our room and heard Harry call from where I just was at in the kitchen. "Harry is this yours?" I took the pig to him " he shook his head "no it's yours silly" I shook my head this time "harry I can't afford to have this and anything mine is yours so it's ours" he nodded his head "I know that's why I'm getting a job as an auror least I'm getting a job interview but still I will be able to pay for her too". I ran into our room and sat the pig down and pulled out my box of old doll clothes in case I ever had a daughter "Roxy what are you doing?" I heard Harry call "Hold on I'll be right there" I yelled back. I grabbed a tutu dress thing and put it on the baby pig and ran back out "Tada!" Harry grinned "you always have something to say why are you just smiling " he laughed "because I have never seen such a beautiful creature" I pretended to pout "Hey what about your fiance?" he grinned "yeah she's pretty too" he set down benny into his high chair and sat down next to him. "I thought I was the most beautiful thing you ever saw" he shook his head "nope it's this here pig not you" he chuckled and I sat next to him. "Harry I think you should marry this pig then" he shook his head "I'm just messin with you" I laughed "I know". Harry pushed the bacon towards me and I took some and broke some pieces up for Benny and handed them to him. He giggled and started to choke on a piece of bacon "OH NO DO YOU KNOW CPR????" I shook my head but ran over to Benny and patted his back and Harry came around with a manual of some sort and squeezed Benny and the piece of Bacon came out. "How did you do that?" he handed me the manual "Oh good thinking" I grabbed benny and took him in his room and gave him some toys to play with and finished my breakfast. "Harry I have a question to ask you" he nodded "and I have an answer to give you" I didn't know what I was going to say until I said it "Can we get more kids and move sometime soon?" he smiled "you know it takes 9 months to have a kid so we can move first if you want to?" I nodded my head "Then it's settled I already have a few houses for sale that I was looking at The one I like the most has 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a huge backyard but it's more on the countryside though but I don't mind that as long as you don't". He chuckled "That sounds like an excellent idea Roxy let me look at it too and we can decide soon" I smiled.  YAY! "Harry this is going to be so much fun!" he smiled and kissed the top of my forehead "It will be an exciting adventure for me, you, and Benny!" he pulled me into a hug "This is exactly why I am the luckiest man in the world" I smiled. Then Benny came crawling into the room and threw his stuffed animal at me "hey that wasn't nice" he laughed and started to crawl back into his room "get back here little man" I scooped him up and put him over my head and headed out the back door "WWEEEEEE" I yelled he giggled and screamed when I dropped him but caught him like I have seen on TV. He seemed to enjoy the little ride until Harry came outside and threw his stuffed animal at me which caused me to set Benny down and pick up the stuffed animal and throw it back at him but Benny screamed and laughed as Harry and I started throwing it back and forth. Then Harry tossed it to Benny and he caught it and held onto it "Throw it back to daddy" he shook his head "Please with sugar on top?" he shook his head again "Benny do you want a timeout?" he shook his head "Benny throw it back or you will get a timeout" he shook his head "Roxy maybe he doesn't want to throw his hippo to me do you want to play with a tennis ball instead?" I shook my head this time "It's getting chilly let's just go inside" Harry nodded and ran over to Benny and picked him up and gave him a piggyback ride into the house but set him down on the couch inside "Hey buddy listen to me for a minute please" he looked up at Harry "when you mommy asks you to do something you do it okay?" Benny shook his head "Benjamin listen you have to do what your mommy asks you okay?" he never called him Benjamin Harry is upset Benny nodded and Harry took him back to his room and set him in the crib "Nap time Benny". "Harry are you okay?" he shook his head "what's wrong?" he walked into our room and sat down "Ron said Ryiley is sick and she won't stop coughing and he is afraid she isn't going to be ok" I sat down next to him "It's going to be fine she probably just has the cold it's perfectly normal" he shook his head "is it normal for a newborn baby to be coughing that much?" I nodded "sure it is" I started to rub his back but I knew that's not why he was upset "Harry what's really wrong?" he shifted when I said this "Roxy when you ran outside the phone rang and it was Malfoy and he said he is coming for Benny"

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