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A/N: So guys I am skipping straight to 8 months so I hope you guys are okay with that!

I was sleeping on the couch getting ready for the babies to come and Harry was sleeping in the recliner next to the door with bags of extra clothes for him and the babies. When I started dreaming about sunsets and it was just gorgeous and Harry and I have settled down on a blanket and we were watching-then I woke up and felt a searing pain and screamed "HARRY IT'S TIME!" Harry shot up and pulled me to my feet and I rushed out the front door but it was more like wobbling than running but I got into the car and Harry drove off the the hospital. When we arrived Harry pulled me into the waiting room and ran up to the lady at the desk "My wife is having a baby!" the lady smiled "I'll get a doctor right away" she walked down the hall and a doctor came around the corner and they were talking for a minute and hurried over to me and led me over to an empty room but right before that I saw Hermione coming in "Ron what's going on?" Ron glanced over at Harry "We are going to see whether it's a boy or a girl why are you here?" "Roxy's in labor" I screamed at Harry hoping he would pay attention but he only just helped rush me into the room. 

After a C-Section

I looked over to my right after waking up and I saw 4 bundles of blankets in a glass box and I reached out to them but the nurse pulled my hand back and handed them to me. I held one in my lap, one in each of my arms and Harry held the last one and he sat smiling in the chair next to me and he held the girl Piper. Harry signed all the papers and birth certificates since I had terrible hand writing besides my signature so I signed the papers also and then Harry traded Piper for Devin then for Austin and then for James and then we kept trading them till all the colored blankets were back in order. "How are you feeling?" Harry looked at me with deep eyes "Exhausted and shocked" he tilted his head confused "Why are you shocked?" I sighed "The doctors told me right before I was knocked out there was a fifty-fifty chance I wouldn't make it and I didn't want to tell you because I was scared but I kept my full trust in these doctors to help me and they pulled through and I made it with my four beautiful kids!" Harry sat in shock but stared at the kids "You could've died!" I nodded "I know but it's all worth it because now I have four kids to love and care for!" he smiled "I can't believe it!" I shook my head "Me neither!" Harry leaned forward and kissed my forehead "wow" I smiled.

When we got home:

When we got home I headed straight for the bedroom to sleep while Harry put the kids in their cribs then Harry walked in and snuggled into my and wrapped his arms around me and I fell asleep. I dreamed about my babies and how much fun we were going to have until I woke up to the sound of them screaming and crying, I got up to go and calm them down but Harry was already in there holding three of them while the fourth was watch from her bouncer. I picked up Piper and held her for a couple of hours and I am not really sure how long though but long enough where my back was getting sore and I decided to get up and go back to my bed. I woke up loads of times trying to change their diapers and doing different things to calm them down but I tried my best. Harry and I took different shifts for so many nights and I got more tired after each day until we decided that one person had to sleep in the nursery and one person had to sleep in the bedroom that way both of us had sleep for at least 3 nights a week. "Hermione?" I called Hermione to see if she wanted to come over and see the babies "Roxy! how are you feeling?" I smiled "Great! do you want to come over and see the babies?" I heard her squeal "Of course! I will be right over" then the next thing I knew the doorbell rang "How did you get here so fast I though Pregnant ladies couldn't apparate?" Hermione smiled "Well it's a funny story actually Harry called before you did and we were already here so..." I smiled "Do you want to go to the beach?" Hermione and Ron nodded and Riley came through between their legs "Of course we would!" hermione laughed "She is one of a kind" I looked up to the top of the stairs where Harry was holding a box "What's in the box?" he smiled "Nothing anymore". He had a mischievous look on his face "Ron can you come up here and help me lift this?" Ron pulled out his wand "Leviosa" he lifted a stroller out of the nursery but it was a stroller for four kids "Harry that's wonderful!" he nodded "I just got it and looked!" he ran up stairs and grabbed the four car seats with the babies in them. He placed them all in the stroller and led the stroller over to the door and pushed it through "Where are we going?" I smiled "the beach" Harry pressed a button which opened a trashcan, diapers, changing table, and different things that I would need to take care of the babies. 

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