things have happened......

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The next morning Joe and Benny played on the trampoline in the backyard but when I woke up it was 11:30. I shot up and ran down the hall and grabbed my robe and ran outside and looked for Harry "Benny! Joe! where's Harry?" Benny stopped jumping and pointed back inside "He is making lunch for me and Joe!" I ran back inside and Harry pulled out lunch meat for sandwiches "Good Morning Love" he kissed my forehead "What's wrong?" I was breathing really hard from running around "Why didn't you wake me?" He chuckled and started making sandwiches. "Because you looked tired last night from the boy's playing in the middle of the night" I nodded but continued to put out plates and chips and a few pretzels "Is this enough?" Harry smiled and put the sandwiches on the plates "Looks good" I smiled and walked out on the back deck "Boy's lunch time!" Then they climbed down the ladder and ran over to me "YAY FOOD". Joe smiled at Benny's enthusiasm and walked inside but as we were eating the doorbell rang so I went to the door to see Kara crying. I pulled the door opened and Kara fell into my arms and her husband followed her "What's wrong?!" she walked inside and sat on the couch and Benny ran over to her "Aunty Aunty!!!" he jumped up next to her and hugged her from around the neck. She hugged him back but cried in his arms Then Michael sat closer to Kara and pulled Benny on him "Hey little man!" Benny hugged Michael too and I sat next to Kara "What's wrong with you?" she looked up at me and then at Benny and then back at me "I.....I can't.....I can't have kids!" she got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door "what do you mean?" I heard her sniffle "Michael and  I kept trying but we decided to go to the doctor about it and he said I have some sort of disfunction where I can't have kids" she bursted back into tears and joe ran over to me. "What's wrong with her?" he looked up at me "I'm not sure" he looked at the door then back at me "She's Pretty" I bent down to his height "I know" then I heard Kara giggle a little bit. "Miss Lady can you come out?" he knocked on the door and Kara peeked through the door "All the way" and then he ran while laughing "Hey come back here!" she ran after him and scooped him up halfway down the hall and put him upside down and he kept giggling "Why are you laughing?" he kept giggling and she pulled him up he giggled some more "Where are his parents?" Kara looked over to me "His parents abandoned him and Benny and him play outside on the trampoline a lot now" she nodded and set Joe down "Got a name?" he looked up at her and nodded "Uh huh!" then she tilted her head "What is it?" "uh huh!" then he ran over to Benny who was laughing at Joe "Alright uh huh! do you want to spend the night at my house?" Joe nodded "Uh huh!". "What about me Aunty?" she looked over to me "Can he?" I nodded "ok fine" Benny jumped up and down and I went upstairs to pack some of his stuff "go ahead and go I will just drop off his stuff and some things for Joe" I pulled out a backpack "OK!" then the door opened and I watched them leave. I hope Joe finds a home and doesn't have to go to an orphanage. Then Harry walked into the room and grabbed my waist "Harry, you scared me!" He chuckled. "Sorry, love. I just want to ask you something...alone." We went to our bedroom, where no one could hear our conversation. "I don't really trust that Joe kid all that much. I mean, he just shows up at 10:00 at night without telling us before and why didn't Benny say anything before hand either?" Harry put his hands on his hips "Well for starters he told us he couldn't get out of his house so maybe it took him some time to get out and maybe Benny knew him before at the babysitter?" Harry shrugged "I just don't know about him" I nodded "It'll be okay I promise" Harry nodded and kissed me and I kissed back and we fell on the bed.


I woke up the next morning and sprinted to the bathroom and started puking my guts out over and over again and opened the cabinet which revealed my results from last night....and I'm pregnant! I puked some more until Harry walked in and pulled my hair out of the toilet and I shoved the test into my pocket because I didn't want to tell him yet. "Are you okay?" I shook my head and kept puking and Harry put my hair in a ponytail and opened the cabinet and grabbed a cup and filled it with water "Drink this when your done and I am going to go get the door Benny and Joe are back" I nodded and wiped my mouth and got a drink. Then I quickly got dressed and walked down the stairs with Harry and saw Benny and Joe laughing at Harry's messy hair which I thought was adorable but if they want to laugh at it let them laugh all they want because Benny is going to be mad when he finds out he is going to be a big brother. "Good Morning Roxy, I have decided to take Joe out of your hair and well.......ADOPT!" she started jumping up and down and ran to me then she hugged and but jumped back "Did you brush your teeth yet?" I shook my head and she walked over to Harry "I'm so sorry for your nose" Harry chuckled and I glared playfully and my sister but she just smiled "Well they behaved yourself and I hope you two behaved yourselves too" Harry blushed and I felt my cheeks getting redder by the second then Kara gasped "You dirties!" I motioned her out the front door "You can go now thank you!" she smiled "alright alright fine I'll be going now" then she walked out with Joe following behind "Bye Joey!" Benny hugged Joe and Joe waved bye and continued to the car. "How did she know?!" Harry shrugged "I don't know but thanks to you she found out" he was the one who blushed first "No,no,no,no siry you were the one who blushed first don't you try to blame me!" Harry chuckled and pulled Benny up on his hip "Was that fun?" Benny nodded "Do you want to go play a game outside?" he nodded again then pointed at me "Mamma wants to play too!" is shook my head "No mama needs to go clean your room and the rest of the house" but really I was gonna straighten some things and take a nap because I was being lazy"

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