Hermione's surprise

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Authors note: I think you guy's have figured it out by now but I am a bad writer but hey i like writing and that's all that matters Anywho please comment and vote I love to read comments.

This week end came too quickly and Ron was going to propose to Hermione today. Ron decided he wanted to do it at the beach so we all went to the beach and brought our kids. Benny and Riley went and played in the sand but Hermione was careful about no letting her touch the outside of her carrier because Hermione was very protective about her newborn baby. When sunset came Ron grabbed Hermione's hand and walked out onto to the dock and bent down on one knee I could see Hermione put her hands up to her face. Then I saw her nod her head and jump into his arms like I did. It was so beautiful especially with the sunset behind them and just them all together. Then I heard a laugh behind me "That's so funny too weirdos got married and had a kid ha...ha...ha" I turned around to find Draco "What are you doing here malfoy?" Draco looked down at Benny playing with the sand. "Can I go see him?" I nodded "but as soon as you lay your hands on him I will come over there and you won't have hands when I am done with you". He smirked and kept walking and sat down next to Benny "Hi Buddy" he giggled and threw sand at Draco "hey that's not very nice" Draco pushed Benny over and Benny started crying "That's nice". Harry got up and went over to Draco "This is nice too" and Harry punched him in the face and Draco started crying himself. I ran over and grabbed Benny and walked back over to my blanket then I grabbed Riley too and sat her down next to me. Then Ron and Hermione came over and Ron kicked Ron in the stomach "Don't you EVER get near us again malfoy" then Draco got up and wobbled away to his wife and kids but his wife came over to us. "Let's get out of here" I hear Hermione say "agreed" I picked up everything and put Benny on my back and we ran to the car. When I got in the car I looked at the car next to us and saw Hermione put Riley in the car and then went in the front seat and made out with Ron. So I looked away in time to see Harry have a disgusted face and turning back to the parking lot. "Well that's was disturbing" I nodded my head "I wonder what Riley thinks about that" Harry made a face and Benny giggled. "Benny don't you ever do that until I am not here or at least don't look like them I looked out my window again and they still weren't done. So Harry pulled away and we went home, when I tucked Benny in bed I went back in the living room to find Harry eating Ice cream and watching TV "Hey Harry". He looked up and then looked back down at his Ice cream "Want some?" I nodded and sat down next to him. I cuddled into his side I grabbed a spoon and we watched Supergirl and then we watched Scorpion and went to bed. Since we were engaged Harry and I are going to get rid of his room and put Benny in there so I didn't have to keep going downstairs and I could go down the hall to Benny.

Sorry for such a short chapter but I have news for next chapter, HOME RENOVATIONS!

I am so excited for the new Renovations I just started the chapter now.

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