The Real Date

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My sister took me out and we got ready for my date and since I had lost everything I had still a lot of money left over from dad and my sister who was nice enough to give me some money and buy me clothes. I had a new hair color which was actually the hair color I had when I was a baby but I dyed my hair everyday blond so then I eventually had blond hair without my dad even saying anything. We went past one shop that had a cute black dress in the window I almost fainted it was so adorable and sparkly. I hate sparkly stuff but sometimes- as in now- this dress is gorgeous like me so it's perfect. I decided that was the dress and we went in to get it but as soon as we walked in a girl grabbed it and laughed at me I think her name was something like Cho Chang. "Hey boyfriend stealer I am gonna steal your dress so you know how this feels" I shook my head "I don't know what you are talking about and I grabbed the dress out of her hand and payed for it and Kara took it outside. Cho just watched this happen and I was pretty surprised on how she was acting. I walked outside to get my dress from Kara but she said it would be best if she held it so I went into a few other stores to get shoes, makeup, basic things like that. When Kara and I were done shopping we went aparated back to the hospital "Kara where are we going to live?" she looked at Harry then at me "Kara I found a house that is small but has 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms so I bought it". I asked when we could go there and she said later this weekend. "Why can't we go now?" I was very curious because I don't want to be in a hospital all the time "Because I payed people to redo the kitchen and the bathroom in my room because they were broken down and I couldn't so it myself". I nodded "But why can't we just go there but stay in my room and use my bathroom?" she looked up at the ceiling then back at me "Why am I so stupid we can let's go" she grabbed my hand "hey Harry I will see you later unless you want to come I mean since your 21 now it my be awkward" he shook his head "I'll come Roxy besides I wanna see your new room". We aparated to the house and Kara was right it is really small but it definitely looked like it needed work but this could work for now. When we got inside I decided to explore so I set down my shopping bags on the table and went inside The room to the left was the living room and the room to the right was the kitchen with stairs that went to the basement. When you walked forward you were in the hallway and in front of you was a bathroom which looked destroyed but the workers were on lunch break so I kept looking around. To my left was what I think was my room because it had pictures of me and it had a turquoise bed which was the color I wanted when I was a kid and there was a bean bag chair with the doll I had when I was a baby in it. When I walked down the hall I saw my sister take Harry back outside but I didn't care so I just looked into my sister's room to find pictures of the girl I saw in the mirror with my dad and Kara. I decided to go outside to find out what Kara was doing with Harry but when I got outside I was knocked over by workers getting back inside Kara and Harry ran over to me but Kara started laughing and holing her stomach but Harry held out his hand. I took his hand and he pulled me up really quickly considering I was so light and skinny "Roxy you okay?" I gave him a thumbs up "What is that supposed to mean?" I giggled "it's supposed to mean I am fine and that you should go get ready for our date you can use the bathroom and I am sure you can ind something to where" he laughed a bit and then went inside so I followed him but then went into my room. When I got in my room I locked the door and I got dressed, then I found a hair curler and re curled my hair a bit before I put on  my makeup. When I was all set and ready I put my shoes on and grabbed a little purse to put some cash and my phone in. When I walked out into the living room I saw Harry in a black shirt with a red tie we looked matching which I thought was awesome because I thought he was going to wear something totally different than what I was wearing. "Hey Roxy is it okay if Hermione and Ron came too because it has been quite a while since we had last dated people." I nodded and kept walking towards the door "Where are we going?" I hope he doesn't say what he always say's "That's for me to know and for you to find out Roxy" he said it. We aparated at a restaurant I saw at hogsmeade but I thought it looked really romantic because it was like a tea shop and there were hearts and the colors pink and red everywhere. When we walked inside I saw Hermione and Ron over in a corner snogging ew why do they have to do that in public? Harry grabbed my hand when he saw Cho Chang with a guy sitting near Hermione and Ron so we walked over to Hermione and Ron and they didn't seem to notice we were standing there so I poked Hermione and she still didn't do anything so I poked Ron and he flinched but didn't pull away from Hermione's face "hello?" Harry finally said something and they pulled apart from each other. "Oh hey guy's I see you have gotten here finally" Ron just acted like nothing happened like really I poked both of you and you even flinched and you still have no idea why I am looking at you weird "Hey" I slid into the booth and Harry slid in next to me. "So this is the date huh?" I nodded I am so nervious I don't want to say anything because then I'm afraid I will mispronounced something and make a fool out of myself. Ron and Hermione went back to their snogging and me and Harry talked about our hobbies and about what we thought about that lady in the mirror and what she meant when she said he was my true love and I was his.

When the date was over Harry asked if he could spend the night in my living room because he didn't have anywhere to go and of course I said yes. We ended the night by watching a movie at a muggle movie theater. When we aparated back home we stood at the door and he kissed me so I kissed him back until we heard yelling inside and then we heard a glass shatter. Harry opened the door and we saw Kara and a man I think is her boyfriend that was going to propose to her soon . I walked over to my room and I looked into Kara's room and saw her screamimg at him "Michael how dare you you are a monster a cheating ruthless monster get out and get out of my life!!!" He put his arms around her "I am so sorry baby I was just thinking about something and she came to me and she kissed me I promise you I didn't kiss her " he put her head on his shoulder but she pulled away "What were you thinking about?". He got on one knee and said "This is what I was thinking about Kara Lynn Riddle Will you marry me?" Her face went pale but they had been dating ever since I got into Hogwarts and started going to school there. She seemed hesitant but then she answered "Yes I will marry you" then they started snogging and I turned and grabbed pillows and blankets so harry could go and sleep on the couch. "Thank you again Roxy" I nodded my head and continued with setting up the couch for him "ROXY I AM GETTING MARRIED DO YOU WANT TO BE MY MAID OF HONOR?" Kara came running down the hall "Sure I would like that" she hugged me with all her might. "The wedding is in 2 months and you can bring 3 friends" "Thanks Kara I will bring Harry of course and Hermione and she won't go unless Ron goes so then there are my 3 people" Kara smiled big and Michael came out of Kara's room and put his arm around her. They smiled at each other and started snogging again so I went into my room and Harry followed. "Don't you care that your own sister is getting married soon?" Harry sat on my bed next to me "I guess I do but Michael isn't the best guy for her and she deserves better" he looked confused "Harry Michael was in jail when he was a kid for stealing and when he got out he found Kara and started dating her then he was rude to her and kissed other girls right in front of Kara and I just don't trust him as much as Kara wants me too". Harry nodded "Well just think I get to eat wedding cake in 2 months" I shook my head "Go to bed weirdo" he laid back into my bed "the couch Harry" "awwww your bed is warmer than the couch" I grabbed his foot and pulled him off of the bed and he landed with a "thump". "sorry but I like my bed." he laughed and rubbed his head but I pulled him to his feet and pushed him out the door and into the living room where Kara and Michael were still snogging. Then I went into my room and went to bed.

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