Chapitre Dos.

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Chapter Two.

An hour in hell later.

A whole hour had passed in this death hole, and it was honestly the worst ever.

First of all, Dan sat in the corner and wouldn't even glance at me. Maybe because I outsmarted him, or maybe he realized how awesome I was and couldn't be faced with the fact. That usually happened with many people.

Second of all, I had to pee. Even though I didn't drink a sip of anything. I just had a walnut sized bladder, which sucked a lot. I was even contemplating of peeing in that empty water bottle. I shivered remembering how cold it was when Daniel poured it on me.

And thirdly, I was hungry, even though I ate the granola bar in a matter of 10 seconds. Which probably isn't good for my health, but I was hungry! Actually, I was just bored. And when I was at home, all nice and comfy wrapped in my blankets, bored out of my mind, I would eat food. Which probably explained the little puginess I had going on.

"Will you stop pacing around? You're making me nauseous."

I stopped pacing around for a second, and stared at him.

"If you have more food than I'll stop." I said, smirking slightly. I put my foot in front of me, about to take another step, and Daniel glared at me, almost daring me to take another step. Well, I never turn down a dare, so I took another step, carefully placing my right foot in front of me, watching his strong face.

He gave me a menacing glare, again, but that didn't stop me from pacing back and forth and sighing loudly. I continued walking back and forth, trying to walk in a straight line, one foot in front of the other. And I began slapping my thighs with my hands, making as much noise as I could.

"Ugh," I groaned. "What to dooooo...." I trailed off, glancing at the only other person in this death cube with me.

“Why were you so scared anyways?” Daniel asked me nonchalantly. I looked down at him questioningly.  

When I explained my fear to people, they would ask if I would rather die than be stuck in an elevator, and I chose death. Don't ask why, it just always seemed scary and something that I would never want to happen to me.

Shockingly however, the experience that I thought would kill me is actually not that bad. I get to have a break from everything, which I was dying for. But sleeping didn't give me enough breaks, and honestly, being stuck in here was what I needed.

It would just be a lot more fulfilling if I had my damn phone. I had left it in my room because I knew I was going to be with my family, and they all had their cell phones.

I was scared, but not as much as I thought. Maybe because it was nice being with someone who didn’t sympathize me, and pity me. Someone who didn’t know about my condition or the things I have been through. Someone who didn't look at me in a different way with pity in their eyes.

“Uh... who would honestly want to be stuck in an elevator willingly? No one.”

“I would. Especially if I was with a pretty girl.”

I looked at Daniel in shock. The stranger who sat against the wall. The man I didn’t know anything about, except for the fact that something had to wrong with him, or someone he loved, because he was in the hospital.

My face was burning scarlett from the subtle compliment. As I tried brushing it off, it became obvious that he was watching my every move.

Dan was staring straight at me, his green eyes piercing into my boring brown ones,  with almost no shame, and took in my appearance. Why is he doing that, you may be asking. But the answer to the question is that I have no idea.

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