Chapitre Veintitrés.

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Chapitre Veintitrés. 

             "Uhm..." I awkwardly trail in after the two boys who decided to invite themselves in to my house. "I'm just going to go change..."

             "Sky, you look hot, now come eat." Tyler says, with a mouthful of pizza and his hands as a plate. I blush a little at him calling me hot, but shake it off as Daniel glares murderously in Ty's direction. "And what were you even watching?!" He shouts in horror as a zombie- no, a walker- appears on the screen.

             "The Walking Dead," I giggle at his reaction and he just stares at the screen with a look of disgust and horror. I look back down at my clothes, and look up at the stairs, and I shrug, not wanting to change. I was too lazy.

             I walk into the living room, where Daniel and Tyler were sitting, eyes glued to the t.v, even though I was on one of the last episodes.

             The box of pizza looked inviting, and as I was about to grab a slice, Daniel's hand went in at the same time. I love crusty pizza, with a huge, thick crust, and there was only one other slice that had everything I loved. I was guessing that Daniel had something in common with me. A thick yummy crust.

             His eyes awkwardly met mine, and he put his hand closer into the box, and onto my pizza. My perfect slice of pizza. I glared at him, and yanked the pizza out of his hands.

             He chuckled and surrendered, to my surprise. I had thought that he would've put up a better fight, but I was glad that I was getting my slice of gorgeous pizza. I almost licked my lips from how yummy it looked, and after taking the first bite, I accidentally moaned from how great it tasted.

             Tyler and Daniel's heads snapped to my direction, but my eyes were glued to my show. I took another bite and licked my lips, and I could feel their eyes on me. I didn't think I was doing anything special, so I shurgged it off and continued eating my pizza.

             "Maybe you should go change Sky..." Daniel spoke up, clearing his throat. I looked at him, and glanced down at my outfit. Sure, it was a little homeless looking, and sure, I had better clothes. But, those stairs...


             "Cause," He cleared his throat again, making me want to stab him. One of my biggest pet peeves were clearing throats, and not getting straight to the point, which he was doing right now. I took another bite of my pizza, my eyes still fixated on the man sitting across from me, and table between us.

             "You look hot, and basically, with you moaning and looking like that, we're gonna need a cold shower." Tyler's voice piped in, getting straight to the point. I wanted to thank him for being that blunt, but then I realized what he had said.

             I blushed and shot up from my seat, trying to pull down my shorts and wrapping my oversized flannel closer to my body. I shoved the remaining pizza into my mouth and scurried upstairs, my face burning.

             I ran up to my room, and winced as I flicked the light on. Being in a dark room for the whole day did this, no sunlight did this, and laziness did this. Don't avoid light, kids.

             I quickly stripped out of my tiny shorts that barely covered up my legs, and put on a thick pair of sweatpants. Even though it was summer and it was blazing hot, I kept the house at a freezing temperature.

             "Cute room." 

             I jumped up, and put a hand to my racing heart, as the footsteps grew closer. I hadn't even heard anyone following me up the stairs.

             "I like the red and black, most girls usually go for girly colors, like pink," Tyler trailed off, walking closer in to my room, and towards my window. "Gorgeous view. I'm actually kind of jealous of this, Sky." He teased, putting a hand to the window. There wasn't much to see, you could see the city line, which was a few miles away, but other than that, it was pitch black.

             "So what colors do you like then?" I asked, not really knowing what to say. I sat on my bed, and crossed my legs.

             "I like pink, it's such a manly color," He paused, and glanced at me before turning his attention back to the window. "I also like the color of your blush."

             And guess what happens next.

             I blush.

             "Awwww, Sky!" Tyler cooed, walking up to me and pinching my cheeks. I shoved his hands away but he just grabbed on harder. Bitch.

             "You're annoying." I muttered, rubbing my sore cheeks when he finally let go.

             "And you're beautiful."

             Butterflies erupted in the pit of my stomach and I looked up at him. He was staring intently at my face, which made me want to slap him. I despised when people stared at me. It made me uncomfortable.

             "And you're stupid."

             He rolled his eyes at me and paused before looking down at me. His brown-green eyes capturing my boring brown ones into his. 

             He looked so much like Daniel, it was unbelieveable. But, they also had their individual looks. They were both gorgeous, that's for sure.

             "So," He began talking again, sitting down instead of standing right in front of me. "I know you like Daniel, but he's a liar. And I won't let him have you." He paused again, and turned my head to look at him. My heart was thumping loudly against my chest and I felt really nervous. My palms were even sweating.

             "Because, I might like you Sky."

             I stopped breathing. Not because of his confession, but because of what happened right after he said that.

             His pale, pink lips, met mine.



Who wasn't expecting that? ;)

             Question: Team Daniel or Team Tyler? OR Team Noah? Damn, Sky has a lot of guys.

I know that these chapters are kind of stupid but the big deal is kinda coming up sooonnn :)




Love you, my lovelies. 


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