Chapitre Treinta Y Cuatro.

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Chapitre Treinta Y Cuatro.


“No, that word is wall, Sky, see- I mean, feel that?” Tyler stuttered over his words, and took my finger, rubbing it over the bumps of braille.


“Nope, I’m pretty sure that it’s floor,” I argued with him. Tyler huffed, muttering something about how stubborn I was being.


I was in my first week of college, not dorming, since I lived about 20 minutes away from Columbia University.


Tyler wasn’t dorming either, neither was Daniel and his fiance, Michaela.


My first task was to figure out with these words were, since I was in the school of blind, we all had to learn braille.


About 2 weeks ago was the wedding, and now a week of school has passed, so that made a grand total of 3 weeks of not talking to Daniel.


In those 3 weeks a lot has happened. Michaela woke up from a coma, Tyler asked me out, and Noah took a liking in my sister.


“Ah, shit, you’re right,” Tyler murmured, probably blushing since he wasn’t right. I smirked happily, and continued running my fingers through some of the other words. We were sitting on the floor of my bedroom.


Since me and Tyler began dating, it hasn’t changed our friendship. We were still wackos together, and I truly believed I liked him. Daniel just had to ruin everything and kiss me that day.


Kissing Tyler was nothing like kissing Daniel. Tyler was too gentle and I often found myself comparing both of their lips. Daniel’s were smooth, plump and perfect. While Tyler’s were a bit chapped and too small.


They were both really good kissers though.


“Wanna meet up with Michaela and Daniel?” Tyler asked. I felt him stand up, and I lifted my arms like a small child, so he would lift me up too.


“Not really.” I murmur, and immediately felt guilty. If Ty wanted to go, I shouldn’t be the annoying girlfriend who stops him. “Actually, let’s go, I want a taco.”


Tyler chuckled and said that he promised to get me a taco. See, he’s like the best boyfriend ever. As he led me outside, a chilly breeze came crashing into me. Fall was arriving shortly, and I loved it. The cold was the best.


“So,” I began, as Tyler started up the car. No one was home and I was free to do whatever I wanted. It was great. “I never got to know why Michaela was in a coma, or how pregnant she was.”


Tyler chuckled and began driving. Car rides were pretty scary when you couldn’t see what was happening or where you were heading. Car rides were also scary when you lost your eyesight to one.

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