Chapitre Catorce.

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Chapitre Catorce. 

            You know, everything is based on time.

            If time didn't exist, we would all be slobs. We all have a time to do something. And we all have a time to go. We all have a time when something will happen, and we all run on time.

            Knowing that there isn't much time left to do the things I love, or that someone else loves, is scary. Thinking about not having my vision, and knowing that one day I'll be gone, is scary.

            Knowing that in one hour, I might forget about Daniel, and might not even know him.

            In one hour, everything might be gone. It might not be either. It was up to us to figure it out. And that was scary. If we got into a fight, we would be out of here, and it wouldn't matter. Even if we both knew that each other would be at this hospital every few days probably wouldn't change much. His smudged number on my arm might be gone and I might forget.

            I didn't want to forget about Daniel.

            He made me happier than anyone could. I felt those sparks that most people feel when they are with their significant other. I felt the bubbles and butterflies floating in the pit of my stomach when he looked at me, smiled at me, touched me.

            He made me feel safe. When I was scared in here, he was protective, and made me sure that nothing was going to happen.

            The moment that Joanna told us that the fire department was here and would get us out, made my heart stop and jump into my stomach.

            During our last hour, me and Daniel didn't speak. Stupid, I know, because that hour might've been our last time speaking, looking, and maybe even touching each other.

            "All because we hadn't spoken all through our last hour," Dan's smooth voice interjected my thoughts. "Doesn't mean this is goodbye." He paused, taking a deep breath.

            "We will see each other again, Sky. I promise."

            And I believed him, he had never let me down with our 30 hours of knowing each other.

            I shot him a smile and he took a step closer to me, and gave me a hug. Filling my body with warmth and happiness.

            I hoped that he couldn't feel my heart hammering aganist my chest. But I wanted him to.

            I wanted him to know how much he meant to me.

            I took my head off his chest. And looked at him.

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