Chapitre Veintiocho.

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Chapitre Veintiocho.

                  The rest of Sunday passed in a blur, and after the scene in the hospital, I felt hollow and numb inside. I had never been lied to before, and the feeling you get was horrible, and it stayed with you.

                  Tyler had driven me home without saying a word. He tried to start meaningless conversations about the weather, but all I did was smile a very fake smile, or simply making a sound to show him that I was still alive.

                  When he dropped me off on my silent street at 6 o'clock, I mumbled a 'thank you' and scurried out of the car, and into the crisp summer air. I had barely heard him say bye to me, because I had shut the door before he could say anything.

                  I felt like a bitch, but honestly, I was just too tired and confused to even care.

                  I was home alone, as usual, and the sun was setting as the night came in. Tyler was still in my driveway, his headlights shining through the window, and after 5 minutes, I stood up from the couch and walked over the window.

                  He was just sitting there, his head on the steering wheel, and every few seconds he would knock his head on it.

                  I rolled my eyes, and went to the front door, opening it, and stepping out. The cold ground instantly meeting my feet that I had been to lazy to cover with shoes.

                  I scurried to the car as he still knocked his head against the wheel. I laughed a little to myself as his lips moved, mumbling to himself. Ty hadn't realized that I was standing right outside of his car, staring at him like a creep.

                  I gently knocked on the window, trying to get his attention, but all I got was the constant thuds of his head meeting the wheel. I was losing my patience and knocked on the window a little louder. He looked up, but not in my direction, but to the passenger side's window.

                  He shrugged and continued on with his tapping. I lost the last sliver of patience that I had and rammed my hand against the window, almost hurting myself in the process.

                  Tyler jumped up from his seat and turned to me, where I just smiled sheepishly and waved.

                  His hand was on his heart as if he was having a heart attack, while I just chuckled and motioned with my hands for him to put the window down.

                  "Why are you still here?" I asked flatly once he unrolled his window.

                  "I was admiring your plants,"

                  "And that's why there's now a huge bruise on your forehead from constantly pounding it on the steering wheel." There was a bruise the size of Texas that would take a while to go away. Stupid Tyler.

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