Chapitre Diecinueve.

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Chapitre Diecinueve. 

           Imagine being on a roof in New York City. Okay? You got that picture in your head.

           Now, imagine being on a roof, with the guy you liked and got stuck in an elevator with, and the guy you lost your virginity to. Got it?

           Now you can see how awkward this was for me.

           "Hey guys!" Noah smiled happily, and took a seat right between me and Daniel. He would sit there, I mean there was a huge gap between me and Dan.

           "Hey!" I said, mirroring his smile. His smiles were contagious and I remember when I was him, how easy it was to be myself.

           "Hi." Daniel said sharply, glaring at Noah, but thankfully Noah didn't see because he was staring at my face. Why he was glaring? The world may never know. 

           Noah was, well, he was Noah. We were always great friends, and I don't regret losing my virginity to him. We didn't keep in contact after he left for college, and a year later, here we were. Him in college and me starting in a month. 

           With a mop on brown hair on his head that made girl want to run their STD infested hands all over it, and dark blue eyes that made girls, and even some guys, get lost in them. But, I didn't like him for his looks, I actually liked his personality. His looks were just a plus.

           No matter how awesome he was, he was no Daniel. Even if Daniel was a douche bag. Only sometimes though. Geez Sky. Pull yourself together.

           Even as casual as all of us were being, I could feel that there was hidden tension that none of us would bring attention to. The way Daniel would glare at Noah when he wasn't looking, and the way Noah was sitting awkwardly on his knees, playing with the hem of his t-shirt. And then there was me, a big blob of awkwardness.

           "So," I break the silence that was slowly making me go insane. Another thing that drove me insane was when it was silent. Some people found it peaceful, I found it disturbing. The silence is just so loud. "What are you doing here?" I direct my question to Noah.

           "I can't believe you forgot already Sky," He tsked at me while I look at him, confused. "I live in this building..." He trails off awkwardly, truly surprised that I forgot he lived in this building.

           "Oh!" I gasp, suddenly remembering. How could I forget the building that I lost my no-no stuff in? Silly me. Noah's deep laugh breaks through the silence and I smile at him.

           "Daniel, how is it going man? I haven't talked to you in a while!" Noah chimed, while slapping Daniel's back. Daniel flinches, but Noah was too busy smiling to notice. Even though I could tell Daniel was annoyed that Noah was here, it was karma for saying yes to my devil of a sister.

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