Chapitre Diecisiete.

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Chapitre Diecisiete. 

            Going to sleep at 5 in the afternoon was probably not the best idea, because I woke up at 3 a.m with my tummy growling like a hungry lion.

            I honestly didn't want to get out of my warm, comfy bed, covered with many pillows and a large black comforter, but I had too.

            The sake of my stomach depended on it. 

            My bedroom was on the second floor. Right in the middle of my sister's and my parent's. Probably the worst room in the house, but also the best. Worst because of how many guys my sister brings home. And best because of the glorious window, perfect for sneaking out, even though I have never snuck out in my life.

            But of course, I spoke too soon, because my phone began to ring.

            Not my phone, because Daniel had to complicated as hell and call my house phone. The minute my foot touched the ground from the stairs, the phone began to ring. I would be scared, but I kind of suspected it to be Daniel or one of those annoying people who try and sell you the shittiest products ever.

            I ran to the phone and answered when it was literally still on the first ring, but I didn't worry about waking up my family. We all slept like rocks and the only way to walk us up was if we had to go to the bathroom or if we were hungry.

            "What do you want at 3 a.m in the morning?" I hissed into the phone, and leaning it onto my shoulder for support to leave my hands free. 

            "What's your address? I'm picking you up. We're going out."


            "Do you know how hard this is?!" I whisper screamed, as I tried taking my other leg out of my window. There was a tree directly outside the window, and while I insisted that I come out through the front door, like a normal person, Danny Boy had me dressed in black and trying to climb through my window. 

            He said it was more ninja like.

            I could not wait to get down to the ground and slap him.

            "That's what she said." I could practically hear the smirk in his husky voice.

            I glared at him, which wouldn't do much because of how dark it was outside. I don't know what made me agree to give him my address and have him pick me up in the middle of the night. No matter how much I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn't. I wanted to see him, even if it was at this time of night.

            Plus, I never got to sneak out before.

            I ignored his voice trying to tell me what to do, as I grabbed the tree branch, and tried to swing my body to latch onto the large tree. It was working, at first, but then my vision started to fog up and blur. 

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