Chapitre Trienta Y Dos.

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Chapitre Trienta Y Dos. 

                Weddings were always filled with love, a few tears, and a lot of booze. They were filled with beauty, and heart touching moments. Flowers, of course, and the funny moments. Lots of dancing, and of course the throwing of the bouquet. 

                Too bad I couldn't see anything to enjoy it.

                Mood killer, I know. 

                I decided to not feel sorry for myself, or let being blind get in my way of living, so I made myself enjoy this wedding as much as I can. It would be hard, let me tell you. But, I don't want to look back on my life thinking about what I could have done. 

                To have as much fun as I could, I decided there was one thing I had to do as soon as the night ends.

                And that involved drinking my body weight in beer and vodka. 

                Now, I'm not saying that drinking was the answer, but the last time I let loose I became blind. I didn't really have much more to lose, now did I?

                Plus, I wanted to finally experience getting wasted without having to worry about anything. 

                I sat at the alter, bored out of my mind, while everyone got to stare intently, with love and happiness in their eyes, as my cousin married the man of her dreams. Noah held my hand through it all, which made me smile, and Daniel's shoulder brushed mine, sending shocks through my body.

                Veronica was sobbing violently, which made me cringe and want to hide myself so no one knew that we were related at all.

                "Veronica, shut up, I can't hear the priest," I hissed, angling my body towards her. I hoped that she was where I thought she was sitting, but I didn't even care about embarrassment anymore.

                Everyone began to cheer as the bride and groom shared a kiss, as I assumed. I clapped my hands together, and cheered along with the rest of the people. Feeling pride in my stomach, I stood up along with everyone else as we made our way out of the church.

                Noah took my hand in his squeezing gently. I squeezed back, and he guided me outside.

                Soft, summer breezes were gathered around us, brushing on my skin. Summer was coming to end, since it was the middle of August, and soon enough, I would attending the School of Blind in Columbia University. So yes, I got to attend the school of my dreams, and stay with Daniel and Tyler, but I would be doing something totally different.

                But I was okay with that.

                It was a little on the windly side, but still nice and warm. It smelled like flowers, and I was guessing the reception was taking place outside, and the flowers I smelt were my cousins favorites- lilies.

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