Chapitre Trienta Y Tres.

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Chapitre Trienta Y Tres.

                  Dancing around while not know who’s around me, or how I look made me really anxious.


                  People’s shoulders brushed mine as me and Noah slid across the dance floor, swaying back and forth.


                  It was 11 o’clock, and the party was just starting. We had gotten through the drunk speeches, the good food, and that other crap, and now we were partying.


                  Slow dances were first, which I was in the middle of right now. Awkwardly handing my arms loosely around Noah’s neck, I swayed back and forth.


                  Veronica and Daniel were dancing too, and I could hear them arguing as Veronica stepped on Daniel, or Daniel’s hands were up too high. Yes, everyone, my sister was getting mad at a guy who was being respectable and wouldn’t slide his hands to her ass.


                  Noah, on the other hand, was the perfect gentleman, and this boy could definitely dance.


                  His hands gripped my waist, supporting me, and we moved in sync. Well, kind of. Noah was gracefully dancing, while I tried to go along with my two left feet.


                  Noah guided me through it all though. But one thing that I could say about dancing was that you didn’t exactly need your eyes, you just need to feel the music. I didn’t exactly feel the music’s energy surging through me as I danced with Noah.


                  “Sorry.” I squeaked as I stepped on his foot, again. He chuckled and tightened his grip on my waist, making my dress rise up a bit.


                  “It oka-”


                  “Mind if I step in?” A voice appeared as everyone clapped as the song ended. Another slow song started up again and Noah’s grip loosened.


                  “Er, I guess...”


                  Noah stepped away and I engulfed with the chill Summer air before someone else stepped in place. Someone bigger, stronger, familiar in a sense. The warmth of this person sent me flying, and I pulled them a bit closer, getting comfortable in their arms.


                  “What, Daniel?” I snapped, keeping my hands by my side, not giving in to him. He was a douche bag. I wanted him to let go of me. But, it felt nice to be in his arms again. Flashbacks of being stuck in the elevator with him flashed through my brain and I smiled, before they immediately went away.


                  Those memories vanished as soon as he lied to me.

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