Chapitre Dieciséis.

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Chapitre Dieciséis. 

            The human population needs to cherish shower times.

            The minute I got home, I sprinted up to my room, stripping out of smelly clothes. I would have to burn those later.

            You can just imagine the rest in your head.

            I changed into a comfortable outfit, and lay on my bed. I put my phone on my charger and then I realized that Daniel's number was smudged on my arm. I groaned and cursed myself.

            I could make out some of the numbers but not all of them. I felt like crying. I didn't want to drift apart from him, yet here I was, without his number.

            I was a numberless fool.

            I debated silently what to do in my head, while I took in my room. I missed this place, a lot. It was maybe the only place I could be myself. With my family, I felt the need to be proper and meet their standards.

            There was a huge window on the side, showing me the view of beautiful trees. When me and my sister got to pick our rooms, the window was what made me choose this one. Luckily, my sister, Blake, hated trees, so I was in luck.

            I also got to decorate my room in however I wanted, in red and black, just how I liked it. The room was on the smaller side, which scared me a bit now, but the window made everything better.


            I groaned silently. "Coming!" I yelled back, then snickered to myself when I realized how dirty I sounded.

            I walked slowly down the stairs, as I took in the rest of my home. 

            You were gone for 30 hours, not 30 years. 

            I chuckled to myself as I rounded around the corner, making my way to the kitchen. Besides my room, the kitchen was my second favorite place in the house, because I loved cooking and food. Obviously.

            My mom was talking on the phone when I walked in and sat on the counter, but she had to ruin my fun of being tall because she scowled at me and told me silently to get down without screaming at me and the person's ear.

            "Of course Daniel!" I froze, and stared at her, my mouth dropped open as I looked at her. "Mhm. Sure. Yep. Oh and if you don't like Skylar, I have another daughter." 

            Oh no she didn't.

            My lovely mother then frowned, and I looked at her again, confused. 

            "Oh." She muttered, frowning and glaring at me. "Well, anyways, here she is." She then proceeded in throwing the phone at me, casually. But me being clumsy and very uncoordinated, let it drop to the floor, where it smashed.

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