Chapitre Treinta Y Seis.

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Chapitre Treinta Y Seis.


             I woke up in the morning with a migraine and cramps.


             It was probably that time of the month, of course.


             I opened my eyes after rubbing them harshly, trying to wake myself. I was greeted by lights, and shapes.


             But then those lights transformed into my desk, and all of a sudden, I could see everything.


             You’re dreaming.


             Something within me kept on repeating. My heart was racing rapidly inside of my chest, and I actually pinched myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.


             When I pinched two more times and nothing happened, I was indeed not dreaming.


             “Mom!” I screamed on top of my lungs. I had to be dreaming, I had to. This was a miracle. How could this happen? The doctor confirmed it. This couldn’t be some sick joke either, what was happen-

             “What happened?!” My mom bursted into my room, wearing an apron. She looked cute, even with a little bit of pancake batter on her face.


             “Is it gone?” She asked, rubbing her cheeks to see if it was off. I had said it outloud, that she had stuff on her face. Something clicked in her head and she gasped at me, putting a hand over her mouth. “How did you know that?”


             I smiled widely, as happy tears fell down my face.


             “Mom, I can see.”




             “It’s some kind of miracle... I don’t know how, or why this happened, but all we can do is thank the mighty Lord above us.” Dr. Mehin said, taking off his gloves. I smiled at him and nodded my head.


             Nothing could shake off the smile on my face, nothing. I was too damn happy and nothing was going to stop me.


             I hadn’t called up Tyler or Erin to tell them the amazing news, but they both texted me to say good morning.


             It was indeed a fantastic morning.


             “There is no more glass in your cornea...” The doctor trailed off, marking some stuff on my file. “And I’m pretty sure that your vision is going to remain. I’m almost positive.”

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