Chapitre Seis.

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Chapitre Seis.

           In almost every cliche story, the girl wakes up, looking perfect, fresh breath, ready to kiss the guy who has his arm draped around her waist. She is also drop dead gorgeous, with a perfect face and body. With all the guys after her.

           She was always ready for a kiss, and woke up with a cute smile on her face, her clothes not even out of place.

           But, this is no cliche.

           I was Skylar Greene, for crying out loud. The normal, average girl, who had a lot on her plate at the moment. Which, unfortunetly, didn't include food.

           I was stuck in an elevator, with no food, unless Danny Boy over here had more, I hadn't showered in almost 12 hours, or brushed my teeth. I'm sure my hair was a birds-nest by now, and my makeup smudged.

           I shuddered thinking about bad breath. I despised bad breath and I would be keeping a very safe distance from Daniel. I did not want to burn off his eyebrows from my breath! I was over exaggerating, but Spongebob put a lot of horrid images and ideas into my head.

           I just had an awesome imagination, if you wanna put it like that.

           I woke up, and I was guessing it was either early morning, or late at night. My neck was stiff, but that wasn't the first thing I noticed.

           The first thing I noticed was the arm over me.

           Well, it was grabbing me. In a personal spot that no woman should ever be grabbed by.

           "Daniel I don't know your middle or last name. Get your hand OFF MY BOOB!" I roared at him. He immediately jumped up, taking his cootie filled hand with him. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, but I did most of the work, since I screamed into him ear, waking him up a lot.

           I didn’t even think about my disgusting breath.

           I feel violated.

           I should report him.

           I got up and stretched, letting Danny stare at me in anger and confusion, as he lay defenseless on the floor, still.

           "What the hell Sky?! I was sleeping! Never wake up a nineteen year old man from his beauty rest!"

           "Okay," I said, taking a deep breath, running a hand through my dirty hair. "First of all, never grab a seventeen year old woman's boob while she is getting her beauty rest! And you need a lot more beauty rest, from what I can see." I scoff and roll my eyes at him. I put a hand on my hip and tap my foot, adding to my sassiness. What can I say?

           I am The Sass Master.

           "You're illegal, sure, but that never stopped me. And babe, you don't need any beauty rest." With a smirk and a wink, Danny collapsed on the ground, taking my purse and putting it under his head.

           "Now," Much to my dismay, he turned towards me again, and started talking. "Are you just gonna stand there? Or are you going to come lay with me and let me squeeze your boobies again?"


           I smiled seductively, and saw him gulp. I moved closer to him, and laid down. He shifted a little closer to me and put an arm around my waist. He was leaning on his left side, and I was leaning on my right side. So you can see what position we were in. I kinda liked it.

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