Chapitre Veinte.

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Chapitre Veinte. 

              I walked home, to say the least.

              It was nice, to walk by myself, and enjoy the scenery of New York City. The tall buildings and the beautiful people got my mind off of everything. But, as soon as I arrived home, the memories with Noah came flooding back.

              The things that went down at the frozen yogurt place were bad.

              I was surprised at the way I reacted. Usually, when someone lies to me about something, I am calm and collected and we talk the whole thing through. But this time, it wasn't even close to being calm. I was a mad woman. I was pretty sure I scared the pants off of Noah, and I'm sure I made him realize that I wasn't the same girl from a few years ago.

              Hell, I wasn't the same girl from a week ago.

              Let's go back to the frozen yogurt shop, shall we?

Frozen Yogurt Place 

              You know when you have those moments, and in your head, you're saying lol no but in reality, you kind of knew that it was true.

              That was the moment I was having right now.

              I stared at the man in front of me, empty cup of frozen yogurt in my hands, and a mind spinning with thoughts. Bad thoughts. Sad and scary thoughts. Thoughts that made me want to cry. And let me tell you something, Skylar Greene, never cries, unless she is extremely hurt.

              "Yes, he does." I respond in a firm voice, avoiding eye contact. I stared at the pink spoon that was in my empty cup. If he didn't have a sister, why would he be lying?

              "Maybe his mom got pregnant after we left for college, but that would mean that his sister is actually 2 years old..." He trailed off. It sounded as if he was talking to himself, trying to figure this out on his own.

              I tried remaining calm, but it was a bit difficult when my eyes were blazing and my fists were clenched, crushing the cup more. Noah noticed this, and I swear he moved further away from me.

              I looked up at him, and mustered up the hardest glare I could manage. He gulped and looked down. I sighed out, and tried telling myself that it wasn't Noah's fault. But Noah could be lying, and that made me more angry.

              "Why would he lie about a sister, a sister," I repeated, hoping to add some emphasise on the word. "Being in a coma?!" 

              Noah flinched when I hissed the sentence out at him. People were looking, but I didn't care. They could mind their own business. 

              I knew I might have been overreacting a little bit, but I shared things with him, and I was honest with him. He would be honest with me too. Right? Tears pricked in my eyes as I began to think about all the negative outcomes. Everything bad that could happen because of this lie.

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