Chapitre Veintiséis.

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Chapitre Veintiséis. 

            Telling the truth can either make you, or break you.

            I couldn't lie. Not since I came shooting out of my mother's vagina on that lovely day that I was born. Lying was difficult to me, and I could never understand why people chose to do it. The truth was so much easier and sometimes it hurt people. But lying was ten times worse than that.

            I was blunt and I always told the truth. Being blunt was easier said than done, and it took me awhile to get into the habit of always telling the truth, but it's good with practice.

            Thinking that Daniel had been lying to me about something for so long, even though we've only known each other for about a week and a half. I felt like I've known him for years.

            We just clicked, and we always had fun together, but he didn't think of me like that if he could lie to me so easily.

            I honestly didn't even know why was scaring myself like this. I didn't even know what he was keeping from me.

            But the question was, did I want to know what he is keeping from me?

            Thinking about a boy that I would never lie to, but him lying to me so easily, made me feel uneasy. Like he didn't think of me the same way I had thought of him.

            Daniel didn't say a word. All he did was stare at Tyler with a look that could kill, but Tyler kept his his posture up, not showing his was intimidated.

            Tyler reminded me of my dad, as weird as that is to say. He didn't show anyone that he was scared, even if he was. He was always ready to protect the ones he loved, like he was doing right now for me.

            He didn't love me of course, he protects the ones he cares for.

            Daniel's green eyes were dark, ready to kill. But Tyler just masked his emotions. Not a trace of a smile, a frown, nothing on his face. Just a face that said 'take a step closer, and my fist will be straight into your face.'

            I could usually tell what someone was feeling through their eyes. Light, smiling eyes, obviously meant they were happy. Dark, dark eyes, no matter what color, meant anger or great sadness, a smile that doesn't reach your eyes just means you're said but a good actor.

            There were so many emotions that can be shown through eyes, it was beautiful, almost.

            But Tyler showed nothing. Absolutely nothing in those deep eyes of his.

            Not a single trace of any frightened looks on his face.

            I, on the other hand, was about to shit herself. First of all, I had a burrito for lunch. I had snuck one before Tyler 'punished' me. That sounded more dirty than I had intended. Second of all, nerve wrecking situations make me gassy. And thirdly, I have no third reason. 

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