ONE SHOT CONTEST! (and other news)

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I have been dying to do this, to do a one shot contest, but I was always afraid that I didn't have enough followers, or reads! But don't let that stop you, face your fears! :)

Here's the basic breakdown:


        1) Write a killer one shot between anyone in this book, and publish it here on Wattpad.

        2) Please then TAG your story in 'StuckinanElevatorOneShotContest' or 'SIAEOneShot' :) or do it the easy way and dedicate it to me. :)

PRIZES woot woot: 

        THE 4 RUNNER- UPS I'll dedicate you on any chapter you want, or on any of my other books! And you'll have my love forever.

        THIRD PLACE A shout out, cause I'm lame like that. A dedication on any chapter, or on any of my other books! Also, you'll have my love. :p

        SECOND PLACE  A shout out, a dedication on any of my works, and I'll read, vote and comment, on any one of your works, and follow you on Wattpad! And of course my love. :p

        FIRST PLACE  Damn, first place, let's get started on your grand prize. You'll be getting a shout out, a dedication, I'll read, vote and comment on any one of your works, I'll follow you, and we'll keep in contact, and if you have a social media such as Instagram, I'll follow you on that too! :)


        The deadline is going to be by February 15th of 2015. The winner will be announced March 5th, 2015.


        Contact me bitches via inbox or message board or down below in the comments.


        Have fun! Oh man, I definitely sounded like a lame teacher telling you to have fun on a project...

The Other News:    

        I just need a favor to ask of each of you guys, this is kind of important so please, just continue reading.

        It would mean so much if you could check out this Google+ page, and follow it if you're willing.

        Here's the link:

        (And if you can't click on the link, it's on my profile, and on my message board.)

        If you follow it, I'll comment/vote/follow/promote you in any way that you want, but don't lie, cause I have a way of checking ;)

        Just reply back to this, or inbox me, and I promise to help promote you :)

        So please, please view the page, just by clicking, and follow it if you can! Thank you so much, this would really be helping a family member of mine out. :)

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