Chapitre Siete.

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Chapitre Siete.

           "Wait, so, he just ran out after you took off your shirt?"

           "Oh, hush up, it isn't funny." I said, taking yet another piece of gum. I hadn't put real food in my tummy for hours, and I was starving. "What was your craziest experience?"  It was fair if I told him about mine, he would share his.

           My ‘craziest’ experience was not very crazy, and I rather not have my fellow readers think of me any differently. 

           Daniel was being pretty cool after I changed the subject off of Noah Clem. Noah was just a really good friend of mine who was Daniel's age, and so things got heated one day and boom. I was no longer a virgin.

           Daniel blushed and looked down, adverting his eyes from me. He looked anywhere but my face and I almost started laughing.

           My mouth dropped open in surprise and I was shocked that he was blushing. Now I really wanted to know what happened.

           I widened my eyes to add more effect to my ‘surprised’ face, and I knew I looked like a dog. That was on crack or something.

           "I'm not saying." Danny boy said, closing his mouth and locking it with the key, then he pretended to throw the key away. I huffed, but didn't push on, no matter how stubborn I was.

           Even if I did want to know and even if I was going to find out soon.

           I was a good citizen.

           It's been a good 14 or 15 hours now, and the sick feeling in my stomach stayed with me. I felt trapped and it scared me. I began thinking about how no one would ever find us, or we would both starve and die, or that there would be no more oxygen.

           These were the thoughts that made me afraid of elevators in the first place.

           I had tried to find a weak spot in the elevator. Some spots were softer than others but I wasn’t strong enough to knock it out. Daniel wouldn’t even try, claiming he was too ‘tired’ and ‘weak’.

           He was such a bitch sometimes.

           I didn't realize I was shaking until Dan pulled me into a tight hug, making it a little hard to breathe.

           I wrapped my arms around him when I realized that he wasn't letting go, and I felt him sigh in content, making me smile a bit.

           Or maybe he sighed because I smelt like shit. I am a very hygienic person, if I do say so myself. I was always use to showering 2 times a day, washing my hair everyday, and brushing my teeth 3 times a day. Sure it took up time, but smelling good makes me happy. And if guys smell good, it’s a turn on. Cough, Daniel, cough.

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