Chapitre Diez.

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Chapitre Diez.


          "I have to pee."

            It probably wasn't the best thing to say while stuck in an elevator, but c'mon, we all have to go at some point. It's been another half an hour ish, making our grand stay in here about 23 hours. 

            23 hours and I had one granola bar, played multiple games of 20 questions, and I have to take a waz (pee).

          Playing those multiple games of 20 questions made me learn pointless things about Daniel, like his favorite color is red, and he hates eggs because of the smell, or how he has a younger brother named Tyler, and how he was in his first year of college and loved it to death. He said how he has a really good relationship with his family and would go to the ends of the earth for them.

           He had a hidden talent for writing, but didn't want to share it with the world because it was "weird" if a guy likes to read and write. I slapped the back of his head after he had stated that.

            Daniel's groaning brought me out of my thoughts. He decided to take a nap because time flies faster when you're sleeping. Those were his wise words, not mine. But I got bored and woke him up, but he kept dozing off, so there was really no point.

                   Napping was great, but I needed entertainment. Right now.

            My eyes decided to have a freaking spazz attack at that precise moment, so instead of seeing Danny Boy's gorgeous torso as he stretched, I saw a giraffe because my vision was stretched, making everything blurry and long.

            That's what she said.

            I covered my eyes with my hands because the blurriness made me feel dizzy. I quickly sat on the floor before I fell, that has happened a lot, almost every time this happens.

            There was medication I had to take, and I remembered it was in my purse. My worn- out, old purse that I loved to death.

            "My purse, Danny!" I whimpered.

            "You're gonna pee in it?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood, even though I could hear the concern in his voice. I felt his body move closer to me, and my purse on my lap as he put it there.

            "My medication is in there, it helps the blurriness," I explain quickly, wanting the blur to go away. I hated the blurriness and I hate to imagine not seeing anything at all. It made me feel weak, and dependent on others- a feeling I had no experience with because of how independent I have come to be.

            I could hear him take the pill bottle out, and felt him take my hand and shove two bottles in there. My eye drops! I knew that boy was useful for something.

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