Chapitre Trienta Y Uno.

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Chapitre Trienta Y Uno. 

           "Looks like it finally happened," Dr. Martin began saying. He flashed something in my eyes, making my vision turn light gray instead of all black, but I still couldn't see anything at all. I hoped that maybe I would be lucky enough to see shapes, colors, something, but not this, complete and utter darkness.

           "You are indeed blind." 

           No shit Sherlock.

           It's amazing to think that all this time, I had so much hope for the future, that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't become blind. But of course, reality always seems to have a twist for things.

           I was terrified, to say the least. Terrified to have to face the world without being able to see. Terrified of learning how to live the rest of my life this way. Terrified of not seeing the people I love.

           Tears built up in my eyes, as my mind wondered, saying that this was my life now and I would just have to get used to it.

           My hearing was good, maybe when you lose one of your senses, all your other senses become better, because I was getting quite overwhelmed with everyone's voices, and when things started falling to the floor. And when the doctor wrote something on his clipboard. I could just hear everything, and see nothing.

           Erin put her hand on my back, rubbing circles, trying to comfort me. Thank goodness for her, not even my own family would do that for me.

           "And there's nothing you can do about it?" My voice came out raspy, a little bit of hope still shining through. I heard him shift, writing something down, I think. At least it sounded like that.

           "What do you mean," He asked, in a perplexed tone. "There's nothing I can do, unless some hero donates their eyes to you, but there would be no guarntee that you would get your vision back..."

           He continued to talk, but I just zoned out, isolating myself from society. My mom was silently crying in the corner, my dad rubbing her back, and my sister was probably looking at her nails in a bored way. Meanwhile, I was just lost in my own dark world.



           So, I realized that parties were never going to be my thing, because 2 life changing experiences basically happened at both. And now being blind, I would never be able to go to one without being kidnapped or something.

           Erin was by my side through it all. She was the one who rushed me to the hospital the day after the party when I woke up and couldn't see anything. If she didn't sleep over that night, I don't know what I would have done.

           Visitors after visitors came to our house, asking me questions about my eyes, and what it was like without seeing. Tears were exchanged and food was given. I would say that I love all my relatives, but some were just annoying as hell.

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