Chapitre Veintiuno.

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Chapitre Veintiuno. 

               It was weird, to see all black. 

               I could hear everything, smell everything, and I could touch everything. I could tell the doctor how I was feeling, and I could say that I saw colors. And I could feel the light he was flashing into my eyes.

               I could hear my mother silently weeping on the phone to my father, who was probably on his way to the hospital.

               "Mom, please stop crying, I'm going to be fine." I say softly to her, as the doctor flashes the light into my left eye.

               "Yes, Mrs. Greene," The doctor begins, clicking off his little flashlight. "There is nothing to be worried about, your daughter is just experiencing a blackout, and that means that she can see colors and feel the light on her eyes. When she goes blind, all she will see is blackness, and she won't feel the  light on her eyes."

               "Her vision will be back in a few minutes." He finishes off. He might have smiled, or he might have waved. But I still didn't know, because I still couldn't see. I felt my mom get up form her spot and rush over to me, while she hugged and squeezed me. Kissing my hair.

               "Told you that I was going to be fine." I murmured softly, hugging her back. The moments like this with my mom made me happy, but I knew that once we got back home, she would be with Veronica, and I would be with dad.

               Someone cleared their throat, and I thought it was my dad.

               "Hey dad!" I smile, showing him I was okay, but then he started laughing. But last time I heard my dad laugh, it wasn't husky, and it wasn't cute.

               "It's not your dad Sky... Wait, why would you think I was your dad?" 

               It would be Daniel.

               It just would be. 

               To say I wasn't happy to see him would be a lie, because I was happy to see him. Even if I couldn't see him. 

               "Well..." I trail off, turning my head down. "I can't exactly..." How do I say this? "See?"

               In an instance, I felt him next to me, his face very close to mine, I could feel his breath on my face. If my vision was back, I would be able to see his eyes, his gorgeous green eyes, and his soft dirty blonde hair. I winced, thinking about all this. One day, my vision wouldn't come back.

               "You can't see me?" His hurt voice inturrupted my thoughts. He sounded broken, and hurt, for me. 

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