Chapitre Cinco.

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Chapitre Cinco.

           My eyes widened at his question, as the smirk on his face grew, if that was possible.

           I felt awkward answering this question, and his bluntness was what made my eyes widen and my breath became short.

           I was a senior in high school. A teenager. And like any other teenager, we have needs. Daniel didn’t seem like a pure little guy, so I’m hoping he didn’t think of me as a slut. It was one time.

           And I really liked the guy, even if we weren’t even dating.

            "No, I'm not a virgin..." I trailed off. The smug look on his face was wiped off and it was replaced to one of confusion. I wasn't going to lie, I did look like a regular old church girl who was thought to be a virgin till marriage and blah blah blah. I was best friends with the guy. Even though he was a whole year older than me. We both liked each other, and loved each other like best friends did.

           We both said we wanted to lose it to someone who truly loved us. I loved him, and he loved me, even if we weren’t in love, it was perfect.

           "W-what? You're not a virgin?!" He exclaimed. I shook my head at him. "How old were you, when did this happen?!" He added a few more questions, but all I did was stare into the distance, which wasn't much because I was in a 10 foot by 10 foot elevator.

           I was flashed back into the moment when I did lose my no- no stuff, and I smiled a bit. It was a good day. Thinking about the time of day made me think about what time it was, what day it was, even if we weren’t stuck in here for days.

           "I have no idea what time it is, but I'm guessing it's around 10 p.m, since we came in here at like 7, and I think it's been like 3 hours... And the date, I'm guessing it's still August 15th, 2013..." The boy next to me began rambling.

           I looked at him in confusion, the look he was giving me before, but then I realized I had asked those questions out loud. Oh, stupid Sky.

           "Are you a virgin?"

           The question came out of my mouth with such ease, I surprised myself. His green eyes pierced mine, into my soul. I felt myself slowly falling in love... Just kidding. I wasn't one to trust, or to love, someone else because of what my previous boyfriend did to me.

           Daniel's eyes did pierce into me though. They were beautiful, compared to my brown eyes. He looked tired, and I bet I did too. His dirty blonde hair was ruffled, along with his clothes, but it suited him. He looked rugged up, and I found that attractive in a guy, or man.

           "Look at me Sky, of course I'm a virgin," He said in a sarcastic tone. So he was a slut. I was right.

           "Oh yeah, you obviously couldn't get enough money to pay a hooker to sleep with you, I mean like, look at your hair cut," I honestly had no idea what I was saying. I was really tired, but I didn't want to go to sleep. What if we got help?

           "You're a meanie." Daniel whined, crossing his arms like a little boy. I laughed at him, and that made him smile. Why? I don't know. I stuck my tongue out at him, and his eyes wandered to my lips, and I quickly closed my mouth.

           I had figured that closing my mouth would have made him stop staring my pink lips, I licked them by an accident, because I could feel them getting dry. It was also a habit I had when I was in an awkward situation.

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