Chapitre Veintidós.

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Chapitre Veintidós. 

               "But I wanna sit next to Daniel, Sky!" Veronica whined, "He's my date to the wedding." She said smugly, folding her arms in and smirking. She had thought the idea struck a cord in me. It did, but I wouldn't let her know about that. She was the demon in her own land, and I learned that if I wanted to ditch an explosive argument, all I had to do was ignore her.

               It took me a very long time to figure out how to ignore her rapid insults and rude comebacks.

               So far, the dinner was going fine. Everyone was here and we were sitting in the living room, but Ronnie started whining about being hungry, so we migrated into the dining room. Veronica was latched onto Daniel's arm like a leach, and it amused me at how desperate she looked.

               Daniel was a rahter oblvious human, and he didn't even realize how much she wanted him. Unless he did notice it and was ignoring it. He was a damn good actor if he was ignoring her. He hadn't spare her a single glance, and he was staring at me with a distant, yet amused, look in his eyes.

               "Okay, I'll just sit there," I volunteered, pointing to the seat that was across from Daniel, and next to his brother, Tyler. I've never really spoken to Tyler before, but I already decided that I would call him Ty.

               He was tall and dark and handsome. Practically everything I looked for in a guy. He was much leaner and skinny than Danny, but they were both gorgeous none the less. He would also be attending Columbia University, which is weird that we would all be going there.

               This probably sounds so cliche. 

               He seemed like a pretty nice kid, but I couldn't exactly judge a book by it's cover. 

               Tyler didn't say anything as I sat down in the seat next to him, and me being my awkward self, I tripped over my feet while I tried to sit down.

               I put my hand up to try and gracefully catch myself as I fell down, but my hand went straight into something soft... and long.

               "Oh! Fuck!" A male's voice came screaming into my ear. 

               "I am so so sorry!" I squealed, taking my hand away from Tyler's penis and stepping away. His face was turning red and he was breathing really heavily. A chuckle came from across the table and I snapped my head to see Daniel clutching his stomach from laughter.

               I almost smiled- almost, and I would have smiled if it wasn't for the guy sitting there, clutching his crotch in pain. It wasn't my fault that his jeans were slightly tighter than most! But, it was my fault that I was a clumsy mess.

               "Oh, Sky," Daniel scolded me, as if I were a child. He took a seat across from me. "Always attracting a mess wherever you go." He rolled his eyes at me, but I saw the amusement in them.

               I smirked back at him, in more of a mocking way, and flipped him the bird, and hearing my sister gasp and apologize to Daniel for my 'childish' behavior, somehow made it all the better.

               "She's always such a child," Veronica sighed, rubbing her hands up and down Daniel's arm.

               "And you're always such a slut," I muttered under my breath, leaning my arms against the seat. Tyler chuckled beside me, hearing what I had said, but then he hissed in pain from the sudden movement.

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