Chapitre Veinticuatro.

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Chapitre Veinticuatro. 

              My doctor had told me that anything could trigger my vision blackouts. From excitement to nervousness to anger or sadness.

              And that's what happened right at this moment.

              When Tyler's lips connected with mine, I was just about to kiss him back, but my vision turned back. At first, I thought I was closing my eyes, but I could feel myself blinking.

              Was I excited? Was I nervous? I have no idea, but Tyler was really upset when my hands connected with his shoulders and shoved him off.

              "Oh." Was all he said. I wanted to laugh, to show him that everything was okay, and that I wanted to kiss him. But I couldn't. I was too scared. I wasn't used to my vision just leaving like that, and I surely wasn't ready at the moment.

              I did like him. Did I? I really didn't know, but all I knew was that I did want to kiss him.

              "Tyler, it's not what you think." I say, emotions of all sorts, making my voice sound deep. I could still feel him on the bed, and I tried turning my eyes up, so it looked, hopefully, like I was looking into his eyes, or his face.

              "You obviously like Daniel, what more is there to think about?!" He said, the disgust and sadness clear in his voice. I felt guilty, of course. But, it's not like I could do anything about who I liked. And plus, I was very fond of Tyler.

              "What does that have to do with anything?" I question him, why was it such a problem liking Daniel?

              "He's a liar-" Tyler paused, taking a deep breath, like he was holding something back. Then he muttered, "Shit, he has to tell her on his own." He said it so quietly, like I wasn't suppose to know. As I opened my mouth to say something, he inturrupted.

              "Why are you looking over there?"

              "Well," I breathed out, letting the breath I had been holding, out into the air. "It's a long story." I laugh under my breath, and begin telling him about my condition. Tyler was a very easy person to talk too, and I was happy to tell him. I could feel him nodding, and I was overjoyed when he grabbed my hands, showing his concern even if I couldn't see him.

              "I'm so sorry, Sky, I didn't kn-"

              "Guys! What's taking so long?" Daniel's voice came out from downstairs. He was shouting and I groaned silently, as my vision hadn't returned yet.

              "Thanks for listening, Ty, but can you just uhm," I wince slightly as a headache starts coming on, luckily, it wasn't too bad. I stood up from the edge of my bed, and I heard Tyler get up too. "Help me down the stairs?"

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