Chapitre Cuatro.

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Chapitre Cuatro.

           "Ugh! There is nothing in here that's red!" I shout in protest.

           About 15 minutes ago, Dan and I had started our little eye-spy game. At first, it was really easy. There weren't many things to choose from, but a little while later, it started getting harder, since we had already used up almost everything in this little elevator.

           And by everything, I mean everything. From the buttons, to the floor, to this little gray speck of dust on the ceiling. 

           I didn't want to give up, to lose, and have him ask me some stupid question. I honestly didn't care about what he would ask me, I just cared about him having a brain and being clever and asking me why I was in the hospital.

           That was my question to him, and he will not still that oppurtunity away from me.

           It had been Dan's turn, and he had said that, "I spy with my little eye... Something... Red." He had said with that little smirk on his face. He thought he could win, and he probably would be the first one to succeed and ask me a bizzare question, but I wouldn't let him.

           I was a very... stubborn person, and it often got me into trouble. I refused to lose, to say no, to back down. It has gotten me into trouble, and people often called me a brat, bitch, a rude girl. But it wasn't a very bothersome thing. I embraced my stubornness. 

           I was smirking the whole time, throughout the game, along with him. I was getting everything right, but so was he. I was trying to toughen up the game, by picking the air vent, and the tiled flooring's black color. But he had guess it within a few seconds.

           Maybe glancing at the object I would pick every few seconds wasn't the best idea since it was a very easy giveaway, but it was hard to not look at the airvent when I told him that I spied something the color of the gray sky.

           My butt was starting to hurt from sitting down on the hard floor was so long, but I toughed it up, and put confidence into my soul. I shifted a few times, trying to get comfortable. I had a bony butt, unfortunetly, and it never gave me much cushioning.

           I was a pretty sore loser, and all I wanted to do was ask him a question. I really didn’t want to answer his stupid questions though. I would probably end up being a bitch and refusing to not answer Dan's questions.

           "Oh look at this, time's up my little Sky."

           The smirk immediately left my face, and a frown took over. I pretended that I hadn't heard what he said, and glanced around the elevator. There was nothing red. Nothing. Not even the emergency button.

           Now, I know what you're probably saying. Sky! There's an emergency button! Well, no shit Sherlock. I know that there would be an emergency button. Dan and I had pushed it repeatedly, but nothing worked. So we decided to not sweat it. And not worry about it. And so far, we were fine. At least I thought so.

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