Chapter Thirteen- Nothing but Trouble

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  The next week was filled with food, trips to arcades, and several appearancces in Wal-Mart. Everywhere Charles and I went, we got in trouble...but we also had fun. We bullshitted our way out of every situation and laughed about it nonstop.

  A few days after the movies, Stacy called. I was in my room typing on my computer. Yet another crappy poem.

  "Yellow?" I answered with a smirk. Whenever she called, we were doing something fun.

  "It's me, Stacy."

  "I know. My ringtone for you is 'Stacy's Mom'".

  "Ha. Ha. Ha." She dead-panned. "Your 18, right?"

  I sat up a little straighter. "Yes?"

  "Now listen. I want to ask you something... and keep in mind that fun is the ultimate goal."

  "What is it Stacy?"

  "My cousin owns this club in town. Your 18. I'm only 17. I need you to get in."

   "What do you want me to do?" I asked.

   "Please go with me or at least get me in! Pleaseuuhhhhh?" She cried into the phone. I imagined her literally rolling on the floor, laughing her ass off.

  Now was the time for me to survey my options and possible effects...all that "responsible" stuff. But who says I have to be responsible?

   "Fine. But I get to bring Charles."

  She was silent for a moment then spoke. "Isn't he 21?"

  "Yeah. Is that a problem?"

  "Absoloutley not. Its great. He can get us some drinks."

   I wrinkled my brows. "Alcohol?"

  "Yes. I mean alcohol. But you'll have a Virgin Bloody Mary... or will you?"

  "Well I don't have to be the designated driver- and I can't be for obvious reasons." I shrugged to myself.

  Yes, I have gotten drunk before, only a few days ago. Drinking was the same for me as it was most rebellious teens; fun and very risky.

   "Are you sure? I've never heard of a drunk blind person."

  "You will today. I can take care of myself, Stacy. Thanks for the worry, though." I sighed again.
   "Great! Can you be at the Funkie Monkie at ten?" She squealed. I should call her Pig.

  "Better yet, I'll pick you up in a limo at your place and we will ride there together?" I asked.

  "I love you Evangiline. You are amazing!" Stacy squealed in delight.


"You sure about this?" Charles stood somewhere in front of me.

"Never ask me if I am sure. Because I never am."

   Right after Stacy called, I forced Charles to come over to pick my outfit. Of course he chose the ugliest thing ever. Rosy's niece had a shift cleaning the second floor, so I got her to help me choose.

   Sicily picked a dress that was all the way back in my closet. "It is royal blue. Fitted to the body, a heart shaped chest, and it looks like a lion clawed the sides. Very pretty."

  "Thanks. I remember it from the personality ball in ninth grade." I said to no one in particular. Yes, I could still fit it.

  Charles came to stand back by me and spoke. "I don't know. It looks a little..."

  "Sexy? Si." Sicily said. "It will be good for you, Evangiline. Where are you going?"

  "Charles, I do what I want. And to Funkie Monkie."

  "Oh... be careful. My ex boyfriend owns that place. He is a very... eccentric man."

   Oh. My. Gosh. Her ex boyfriend is Stacy's cousin. Coincidence? I think yes. Maybe. Or maybe not...?


   Benny drove Charles and I to the address that Stacy gave us.

  "She has a tiny house with a messy yard. I'm guessing a lot of siblings because of the toys everywhere. No car either." Charles whispered in my ear. We sat in the back corner seats next to the tiny cooler. "Probably lives off the government."

  "So?" I felt anger coming. I hate it so freaking bad when people make stupid assumptions.

  "Well the poor usually-" he began.

  "The poor are usually the most humble, Charles." I spat at him.

  "Geez. I am so sorry your high-ness."

"Who says 'geez' anymore? You're a huge dork."

  "But you like it." He leaned close and pecked my cheek.

  Why was he acting like this when we weren't infront of my mom? I had no ideas, but I was not going to complain.

  "Alright love birds!" Stacy yelled. I heard a door open and her plop down beside me.

  I smiled and turned to her. "What are you-"

  "Whattup?" An unfamiliar voice yelled.

  "Hey, fam!" Another voice spoke.

  "This limo is the shit!" Yet a third one.

   One was another girl, probably my age. The other two were guys.
Benny started the engine once everyone was settled and drove off.

  "Ummm... what-" I began, but was interrupted again.

  "This is Amber. Rhys. Jessie." Stacy said and put my hand on three knees.

  "Stacy I didn't say-"

  "I forced Stacy to take me. I saw her sneaking out with Amber one night." A really, really deep voice said.

  "Shuttup, Rhys. You were stalking." I heard the playfulness in Stacy's voice.

  "It's not stalking if you want me to watch." He purred his words.

   "I'm Amber." A perky voice spoke to me I assume.

   After a few seconds no one spoke, Charles coughed. I turned to him and mouthed 'what?'.

  "Shake her hand." He whispered.

  I waved my hand out slowly until I felt a small, soft forearm. I pulled my hand down the arm until I felt her hand. The whole handshake was pretty wierd.

  "Oh... you are not my type, babe." Amber said.

  "What? I'm not... This is my boyfriend." I stammered.

  "Okay... Hey, aren't you Tylid's son?" She asked Charles.

  "Yes. How does everyone know?" He huffed.

  "Hey, bruh. We watch the news." The voice was bordering on the thin line between prepubescent boy and old woman.

  "He," Rhys said and loudly patted Jessie's chest, "is Jessie. Ole boy was stabbed in his goddamned throat by his wackjob mom. Crazy story."

  "Shut the hell up, asshat." He retorted.

  Wait! Hold up! If Stacy was sneaking out with Amber... and Amber is a lesbian... then... ohhh. Is it wrong to make assumptions now?

  "I'm so sorry, Evangiline. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and I could not let my friends pass it up." Stacy held my right hand in hers and squeezed.

  "It's fine. Lets just all have fun." I smiled.

  Rhys popped open a can of something with alcohol in it and slurped. Seconds later he asked the question that I knew everyone had been thinking. "Why are you wearing those dark ass glasses?"

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