Chapter Four- Before

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I could not get Charles from my mind- and not because I liked him- but because I didn't. Nothing, so far as I could tell, made him different from any other male that I've ever talked to. Except the fact that he called me beautiful.

How could I have been beautiful? That night my mom did my makeup and I choose my dress, but my eyes were disgusting orbs that pity and fear tended to gravitate towards. They could have gotten worse since I went totally blind, but I knew that my mother did not have the heart to tell me if they did.

Before I went blind, I was a brunette with freckly olive skin.  I had a hard time making friends but was well-known because of my mom. When I became blind, the pity gifts poured in like a Mississippi River dam breaking. All it took for people to care was loss of my sight.

Before I went blind I sometimes went out to parties and dances like a regular teen. I actually had a life. It all changed when I lost my sight.

How could he have liked me? Flat-chested, too tall... and blind. I'm not trying to be self-critical, but it's just the facts. People don't want someone they have to watch constantly or someone who makes them cringe at the sight of them. I understand that.

I sat up directly into a ray of warmness, sunlight. It felt so good on my cold skin. My body soon warmed where the rays spread over me.

I fumbled around my dresser for something.

My mother had asked if I wanted new furniture- the kind that is safe for a baby or small child. Me being me, I told her that I did not want any help.

The T-shirt I pulled out fit snuggly, as did my jeans. My hair was pulled high on my crown, most likely messy.

I felt for my phone and voice dialed Benny, my chauffeur.


"Yes, Ms. Evangiline?" His voice was thick with his Puerto Rican accent. All of my maids, guards, or chauffeurs seemed to be exotic.

"Come get me." I told him.

"Yes ma'am." He hurried his words out.

I needed not say any more so I simply hung up and waited downstairs at the dining table. One of the maids dashed around me and dare not ask me what I was doing or tell me to move.

I imagined them flipping me off or making faces at me in front of my face. The thought made me smile.

The doorbell rang five minutes later. I heard heavy feet rush to open the door from behind me, but I yelled for them to let me get it.

The person shuffled away quickly. I padded to the door and flung it open. Benny's cologne, Black, floated in. Then I remembered where I had smelt it before; Charles wore the exact same at the dinner. That's why it was familiar.

"Benny?" I voice wavered.

Whoever it was hesitated and cleared his throat. Not Benny. Definitely not Benny.

"No, its Charles Heiden." He answered. No. No. Yes? No.

I huffed. "Where is Benny?"


"My chauffeur?" My tone was condescending.

"Why don't you just drive... Umm sorry." he trailed off, realizing his mistake. "I'm sorry, I don't know. But your mother said-" he began.

I interrupted him, "My mother? What did she do now?" my temper flared quicker than it had ever before.

I pushed past him out the door and found my way to a wicker couch on the porch. The old wood cracked when I sat down. I spoke to where I thought he was,"Why are you here?"

"She called me and said that you would have brunch with me. Did you not know?"

"No. I did not. It's not polite to just show up like this. Why not check with me first?... And brunch is for snobby people and college girls." I stood up with my cane.

  "No it's not."

   "Yes it is."

    "I didn't know-"

    "Yeah. I didn't know that the the sun will come up tomorrow or that the moon rises too." I said with mock stupidity. Worst. Comeback. Ever. Why can't I be smooth like I was before? I was overanalyzing my words, making them come out with no confidence.

     He cleared his throat. "I am sorry Eva. Can I call you that?"

      "No." I sighed. "My name is Evangiline. "

     "Ok." I felt his mood lighten as he chirped. "Let's go then."

     I scoffed and answered him. "Ummm... no. I don't even know you. And I never said I was going."

"Please?" The desperateness practically dripped off his words.

"I...No. You're weird. You can't just show up to someone's house like this. Why didn't you call first?"

"Well your mom said your house phone doesn't work.  And that you don't have a cell."
   I slipped it out of my pocket and waved it. "Right here."

    "Oh, then I guess Ill go then." I heard him take one step.


   "Bye then."

   "Goodbye, Charles."

   "Please? I really would like to get to know you. Just one time?" he stopped shuffling away and begged.
  I rolled my eyes, then nodded. There was no use in him embarrassing himself like this. Plus mom would freak if I said no.
   He walked over to me and hooked his arm in mine. I wanted to protest, but my body would not allow.

      He led me down the stairs at a slow, comfortable pace. His cologne filled my lungs, almost choking me. He was trying too hard.

"Do you bathe in cologne?" I asked and pinched my nose shut.  "I should call Benny." I stopped mid stride.

"Your mother said she checked in with him before I came." he answered as he put my hand on the door latch.

  Benny must have known when I called. That cunt.

He stood by me as I pulled the car door toward us, but it did not budge.

"Pull up" he said a little uncomfortably close to my ear. I wanted to crawl away and back  my room.

I did as he said and heard the light hum of butterfly doors open. I slid in and felt for the buckle.

Right then I wanted to vomit because of how strong his cologne was. I was probably dying.

"It's yellow. A modified Merc, actually..." Charles rambled on about how cool his car supposedly was and the efficiency and horsepower.

"That's nice.... I guess." I said. "Who gets butterfly doors on a Mercedes?"
  I heard him chuckle. "Me, I guess."

I felt the car go in reverse and back down the long rocky driveway.

What was I getting myself into?

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